Chapter 22

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Jane POV

Beep, beep, beep, beep. I kept hearing and it was disturbing my sleep.
I opened my eyes and looked around. The room had white walls and I was in an gown I had never bought. Alex was sitting beside the bed, had his head laied on the serve of the bed. I cloud remember everything that had happen and I felt like the worse person in the world. Maybe should start focusing on being a good wife and mother. Instead of fighting my husband, I thought to myself.

''Alex'' I said waking him up because I wanted to pee so bad but I couldn't  get up as I was in pain from the fall.

''Jane.'' He choked shocked as he woke up.
'' I'm sorry.'' I said right away, as he seemed to be sad and disappointed at the same time.

''I should be the one saying that, I was the one that  wasn't listening.''

''Please don't blame yourself, I shouldn't be that jealous.'' I said as tiers started falling from my eyes.

''I love you, Jane. Your are the only person that had been and is in my hart. Even when I say I don't love you, I do. There's no place for anyone else here, you have it all.'' He said kissing my hand.

''I love you too.'' I replied and he leaned in and kissed me.

''You guys split up. No sex in the hospital.'' Came a woman voice.

'' Aunt? What are you doing here?'' Alex stood up and walking towards the man.

''This is my hospital, remember?'' She replied obviously smiling at Alex. She then hugged Alex and whispered something to him making him nodded his head

''Good morning Jane. I guess, you are doing good.'' She said smiling at me.

''I just woke up but I am still very tired.'' I answered truly as I could feel pain on my back.

'' In couple of days you will be alright.'' She said comforting me.

''Can she than come home?'' Alex asked, kissing my hand. I really wanted to go home and be with my husband and kids.

''Not so fast young man. I have something tell you guys.''

''Good, bad?'' I asked curious, scared of what she would say.

''Both'' She said with a blank look on her face. I nodded and leaned into Alex chest.
''You lost a lot of blood which almost leaded you to have an miscarriage.''

''Miscarriage?'' Alex asked shocked, looking at me.

''I am pregnant?'' I asked looking at the doctor.

''Yes you are. I'll leave guys to talk since you just found out.'' She said leaving.

Oh my God, I almost killed our baby. I thought to myself looking at my stomach that was still very flat.

''I can't wait to see you getting all big.'' Alex said in an exciting voice.

''You want me to get fat?'' I asked him in a strength tone.

''No,yes. I mean, I want the baby to grow so I can play with your stomach.'' He explained giving me a peck on the lips.

''I want to be with you all this journey this time. When you have your morning sickness, mood swings and cravings.'' He continued lovely.

''That is very sweet of you babe but I want to pee.'' I said out of the bleu.

''And a lot of peeing too.'' He  chanted laughing.

''Alexander!'' I shouted his name, making him laugh louder.


''How do I look?'' I asked Alex as I got dress and did my hair.

''You are hot.'' He said getting up from the bed and stood behind. He lock his gaze with me on the mirror. Then kissed me on my earlobe. I leaned my back to his front and he started whispering sweet things in my ear.

''I don't want to go, I want to stay here with you and cuddle.'' I said pouting as I  turn around and warp my arms around his neck.

''I know you don't but they are already here waiting for you.'' He said smirking.

''Ugh, aren't they too early?'' I complained hating the fact that I had to leave.

''No, babe. You are late.'' He said as he leaned towards me and we kissed. I  loved  kissing his warm lips.

''We have been waiting for you for 30 minutes and this is what you have been doing?'' Alexia asked coming into our room as me and Alex were making out.

''I am sorry, now let's go.'' I said taking my purse. Me and the girls were suppose to have a girls night out but I didn't want to go anywhere. I just wanted to stay and cuddle with Alex or have have a movie night with the kids.

We decided not to go to the club this time. So we went to an elegant restaurant.

'' Jane you are glowing, what is the secret?'' Lisa asked smiling.

''There is no secret, I am just in love.'' I replied blushing. Me and Alex had not tell any yet about the baby. We wanted to wait until it started showing.

''I wish I could say the same.'' Alexia said digging in her food.

''Is he still ignoring you?'' Lana asked referring to Benjamin.

''Yes, he keeps saying, I am like a sister to him. But everything time I want to go to a date with someone else, he wants to know everything about the person. Things Alex doesn't care about.'' Alexia replied confused.

''Maybe you should show him what he's missing.'' I said.


''Be a teaser guys think with their eyes first and without a doubt they do appreciate outer beauty. This doesn’t mean they only like you for your boobs and butt. However, if you are willing to throw in some sexy dress treats, that’s what is going to pop into his head when he doesn’t have you beside him.'' I explained.

''He doesn't like my short clothes.'' Alexia replied.

''He does, he just doesn't want any other man to see you in it.'' Lisa fill in.

''Get yourself happy, when a woman is happy with herself and her life, that’s attractive to a man. When you are in love with a man and show him your happy side, that makes him love you more. He will want to be around you more by choice. You will be more interesting to him because you are happy with yourself.'' Lana finished.

''Isn't that selfish.'' Alexia questioned.

''Not at all, let’s say you love dancing. If you do this when you are around him, you’re going to make him love it too and love you more. Just by being you and doing the things you love, you are going to snatch his heart a little more. That’s pretty awesome if you ask me.'' I said smirking.

''What did you do?''

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