Chapter 10

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Jane POV

''Why do you work for Alexander, when you can have your own business?'' I asked, waiting for Benjamin's answer.

I'm busy with something but I don't I have enough money to do it right now. And I need to work to get the money.''

''How much do you need?'' I asked him.

''It's obvious that you and Alex are the same.'' He confirmed smirking.

''Why do you say that?''

''He asked me the same question and I'm giving you the same answer I had given him.''

''And that is.'' I already knew what he was going to say.

''No, it is a no. Your family and Alex's has already done so much for me and my mother. And now I need you, to let me do this on my own.''

''If you say so.''

''There's a saying if a man doesn't work hard to earn, he doesn't know the value of life (made that up).''

''What should I say, you are a wise man or a stupid man?'' I jokingly asked.

''A wise man of course.'' He naturally chanted.

''Let me get us some drinks, we have been sitting here like were are at an job interview.'' Benjamin asserted walking to the bar.

We were at a hotel opening party. I got a call from Benjamin.
Telling me Alex will be having an opening party for his new hotel, and telling me I should come. Yes, he was demanding and not asking.

I wanted to have a little fun so I came. Well I did invite my friends.
Lisa invite her husband Paul, since he was bored at home. I let Kate drop her son off at my parents place, so we could go come here together. Lana and Jack were already here when we came.

''I can see you had a lot of sexy men around you while growing up Jane.'' Kate voiced her thoughts,  looking at Benjamin who  was walking towards us.

''I did? Who are those men?'' I pretended not knowing.

''Don't pretend.''  Lisa said, which I didn't think heard a thing Kate said. Since she was her sucking Paul's face.

''I don't know if they are sexy. But one thing I know for sure is that they were three crazy, overprotective brothers.''

''More like two overprotective brothers and one overprotective boyfriend.'' Kate corrected making me blushed.

''And you like one of her brothers.'' Paul  said in a chanting voice.

That made us all laugh. He didn't talking much but when he did, it's something crazy.

''Are guys talking about me?'' Benjamin asked giving me my drink.

Five minutes later

''Who is that woman, walking around Alex like lost puppy?'' Lana sneered, making us all looked up, were she was looking at.

''It is Lily, I couldn't say who it was a first too.''

''You gotta be kidding me.'' I shouted, getting looks from people that were near me.

''I have to say this, she's hot.'' Jack admitted, getting slapped by Lana.

''I am the only person, you should say is hot.'' Lana continued.

''Who is she?'' Kate asked.
''She is a girl that is head over heels in love with Alexander.'' Lisa replied.

Let's talk about something else? they are coming our way.'' Benjamin suggested while looking at Alex and that woman.

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