Chapter 21

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Jane POV

Did you ever tasted something and can't get enough of it. Well if you know what I am talking about, than that's what was happening to me. I couldn't stop eating the cupcake that was made by Alex mother.

''Hey babe, what are you doing here? I have been looking for you.''

''You should tell your mother to give me the recipe of this cupcake. It is so yummy.''

''It's the recipe you gave her.'' He replied.
''Really? It tastes different.''

''Are you okay?'' He asked gaving me stranged look.

''Yes. What about you?'' I asked making sure he was too.

''I am fine. Now let's go welcome the guests.'' He demanded as he grabbed my left arm to dragged me with him. But before that could happened I took one more cupcake with me.

''Why do you keep eating that?''

''I am hungry, Alex.'' I replied in a moody voice.
''I got you lunch an hour ago.'' He said in a disbelieving voice.
''I know but...,''
''You just ate five cupcakes on your own. If keep keep eating like that there won't be anything left for the guests. You don't want to ruin the kids party, do you?'' He continued.

''Of course not.''

''Is not that I don't want you to eat but I think you should slow down a little bit. After the party I will cook whatever you want, just for you.'' He said giving me a kissed.

''I love you Alex.'' I said deepening the kiss.

'' I love you more. '' He whispered in my ear. We then heard a dry cough. As I saw who it was I pushed Alex off me.

''Aren't you going to greet your parents?'' My mother asked as I was starring at them.
I went and hugged her. I was about to do the same with my dad but he turned away from me. He had been ignoring me since the incidence.

''Alexander how are you doing?'' Mother asked smiling at him.

'' I am fine.'' He replied, and then an awkward silence fall around us.

''The party is in de garden.'' I said leading them there.

''Grandpa and grandma you guys came!'' Jess shouted as she saw my parents.

''Of course, we won't miss your party for anything.'' My dad said hugging Jess and Jason.

''I sorry about that.'' Alexander said as my parents and our kids walked away.

''Alex I told you before it's not your fault. My dad is mad at me because I lied.'' I assured him.

''Now let's go have fun with the kids.'' We had our family and friends around. My kids were happy, it was what they always wanted. To be around their mommy and daddy.

''Who is that girl, James is talking to?'' Benjamin asked.

''It's probably his girl friend.'' Alexia replied.

''They seem to be arguing, he doesn't know how to talk to a girl.'' Jack said snickering.
''Guys they are coming.'' Benjamin said so everyone could stop talking.

''You came'', I said hugging Chloe.

''Yes, I had to. I made a promise.'' She smiled. I introduced her to my family.

''I am sorry for what happened last time Mr. King.'' Chloe apologize to Alex.

''It's fine.'' Alex replied.

''Why are you being so polite to my brother and not me?'' James asked Chloe and she rolled her eyes at him.

''I didn't know he belonged to you.'' Chloe said referring to James.

''Yes, he does. He is my baby.'' I replied ruffling James hair even though he was taller than me.

''Oh God Jane, please don't embarrass me in front of my future wife.'' James said looking at Chloe who was blushing.

'' You thought you cloud have Alex to yourself but now he has kids with someone else. How does that feel to be his second choice.'' Lily asked beside me. I knew it was Alex who invited her and I wasn't pleased with it.

''I don't know what you are talking about and I am not his second choice.'' I knew she didn't know Jason and Jess were mine.

She laugh and said, '' He will soon leave you and go be with his babies mama.''

''I know you don't like me because I am with Alex but please understand something Lily, you cannot force someone be with you if they don't love you.''

''So you are saying I am forcing him?'' She asked in a angry.

''No, I just want us to stop acting like teen age girls fighting over a man. I mean Alex and I are married. Why can't you just move on?'' I asked.

''Your marriage is arranged.'' She smirked.

''Even if it is arranged, you are just a friend to him.''

''What's going on here?'' Alex asked walking towards us with Jess in his arms.

''We are just talking.'' I replied smiling at him.

''Mommy, daddy, can we cut the cake? I want to open present.'' Jason asked. Lily seemed shocked and repeated what Jason said, '' Mommy?'' In a question mannered.
''Yes, I am their mother.'' I answered smiling at her. She had a disbelieving look on her face but I didn't care.

''Darling let's go cut the cake.'' I said taking Jason hand in mine.

Alexander POV

''Are you mad at me?'' I asked Jane who just walked into the bedroom we shared.

''Why?'' She asked flatly removing her make-up. I knew her too well to know that she was lying. When Jane is mad at you, it is as if you don't excite to her. She doesn't glance your way or talk to you. And she had been doing that to me since Lily arrived at the party. She would talked me only when the kids asked something.

''It's because of Lily?''

''Why asked, when you already know?'' She asked locking her gaze with me. The party was over and the kids were sleeping.

''Are you jealous?'' I blurted think to tease her.

''Of course I am jealous. Why wouldn't I be? When I know she wants you.'' She said and tiers started falling from her eyes.

''But I want you.'' I said hugging her. '' ''She's a friend and she will just be that. Nothing more'' continued.

''You promised not to bring her near me but you did.'' She said pushing me off her.

''I Thought since it was the kids birthday, she could come.'' I said, I didn't know inviting a friend to the kids birthday could be so bad.

''I don't want her around my kids either.'' She said impacting my kids.

''Stop being dramatic and they are our kids.''

''Wow this is great, I am being dramatic.'' She said sarcastic

''You know what you are an asshole and Jess and Jason are just mine. You just came in the picture.'' She continued.

''I am not going to stand here arguing with you.'' I said walking out off the door.

''Why are you running. We are not done talking!'' She shouted at the top of staircase looking down at me.

''Jane go to bed, you don't look good.'' I said as she yawning. She seemed to be really tired.

''Don't tell me what to do!'' She shouted and started walking down stairs.
And all of sudden she screamed, she missed a staircase. It happened so fast before I could get to her she landed on the floor. I ran towards her, she wasn't moving as I dragged her towards my lap. And then I saw blood in my hand, she was beelding.

'' Jane, baby wake up? I'm sorry, I won't bring that woman around us again. '' I pleaded but she didn't open her eyes. Oh my God what have I done to my wife.

Forever In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora