16: im always here for you

Start from the beginning

I didn't always have to say it, but I wasalways grateful to him, for everything he's done for me.

I felt like I had a debt towards him, so back in middle school I promised yourself that I would get an amazing job and live somewhere else with him.

In a bigger apartment, a better place, a better environment and that I would take care for him like he did for me. I wanted the best for him. And I was going to reach my goal, the consequences didn't matter.

I grabbed my pencil and started exercising. In the middle of my studying, I got a headache and I wanted to puke. It felt like something was stuck in my throat and wouldn't come out.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I also took an aspirin for my head and hoped it would fade away.

I went back to my room and continued with the work. Suddenly, I started coughing and put my arm on my mouth.

Then, I saw that there was blood on it.
I wasn't the type of person that panics for everything, even the smallest thing.

I tried to remain calm, but this has never happened to me. I was getting nervous and started sweating.

I went to the bathroom to wash my pale face again. Jungkook was right, I had to see a doctor.

I heard the front door open and Jungkook calling my name.

I felt an unusual tightness in my chest, like someone was choking me. Then my chest started hurting, and I were shaking.

I fell to the ground because I couldn't bear the pain.

It didn't took long before Jungkook noticed something was wrong and rushed to my room.

"Y/n? Y/n!" - he opened the door of the bathroom and saw me laying on the floor.

"We're going to the hospital, right now!" - he said, lifting me up and carrying me to the car again.

He was scared to death, he didn't wanna lose me. Not at this age, not when us two planned everything for the future. He wouldn't let anything happen to me, I knew that.

I started coughing and took a tissue out of my pocket. There was blood on it again and Jungkook saw that.

"Don't worry, we'll get there soon."
- he said and held my hand while I was trying my best to breathe.

"Calm down Y/n. Just breathe, in and out, in and out." - I held his hand tightly cause I was really scared for the first time in my life. I felt like I was dying.

Couple of minutes later, we reached the hospital and Jungkook called the nurses after getting me out of the car.

They put me on the wheel bed and rushed to a room. They wouldn't let Jungkook go any further so he had to wait at the door.

They gave me oxygen and I could breathe normally again. Then, the doctors did a few tests on me before they transferred me to my room.

While I waited for the door to open and my best friend to storm in, Jungkook was called by the doctor.

Jungkook's POV

"What are you to miss Y/n?" - the doctor asked after we got in his office.

"I'm her best friend. We live together."

"How was Ms. Y/n feeling this past week?"

"She collapsed a couple of times, I tried getting her here but she wouldn't want to come."

"Okay. We ran some tests on her, and we have come to the conclusion that.."
- the doctor couldn't finish.

"Conclusion to what?" - I asked impatiently. Please say something good. Please.

"She's showing the symptoms to a disease."
- the doctor said.

I tried to calm down and not let the tears escape my eyes.

"Which disease?"

"Leukemia." - the doctor said and that's when I lost it.

The tears now couldn't stop coming out, and I was mad. Mad at myself for not taking good care of her. How could I miss something like this? I should've taken her to the hospital in the first place. This is all my fault.

"Don't worry, she can have therapy sessions and she will get over it pretty soon if she does as we tell her. It will be okay." - the doctor pat my back and I left his office.

I put my head against the wall, forming fists as I punched the wall hardly.
I had to be strong. For Y/n. I know she will get over this just like everything else.

I wiped my tears away as I knocked on the door of the room she was in.

"Hey there." - I said and that made her smile.

"Feeling better?" - I took a chair next to the bed and held her hand.

"Yes." - she said weakly.

Now I could notice how different she was. Her face was very pale, it was like her bones were visible through her skin. No one would want to see their close one in that type of situation.

"So.." - i said but she squeezed my hand, stopping me from talking.

"The doctors told me already." - she said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." - we both said at the same time.

She put her palm on my cheek and wiped my tears.

"Why are you sorry?" - I asked her.

"I should've listened to you. Maybe it wouldn't have been this serious if I stopped it on time" - I shushed her.

"No, I am sorry. I should've noticed how different you were, but I was so blinded by the school that I ignored my best friend." - I said and kissed the inside of her palm.

She opened her mouth to speak but got interrupted when we heard a knock on the door.

The doctor visited again.

"Hello, miss Y/n. I wanted to inform you that we'll have to keep you here tonight.

And, after checking the tests again and seeing your family data, we know that your disease is carried on to your genes. Your mom had it before. Unfortunately, that was the main reason why she passed away. And the car crash just made everything worse." - the doctor said and after signing some papers he left.

"Hey, hey. It's gonna be alright. You have me." - I wiped her tears again while she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I-I didn't know she had it, too. What if..
What if I die, too?" - she said and looked at me.

"Don't think about that now. We're in this together. Think about the good things. How you wanted us to live in America, how we would have a huge house and amazing jobs.. Think about all that. And remember, I am here. And I will always be here for you, whenever you need me."


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