Gu Ruoyun's Fury

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A group of people had gathered, surrounding the gates of the Xia Family home.
A woman in white stood in front of the crowd. Her robes seemed to float in the air and she looked like an immortal — she was absolutely stunning. She spoke gently, "Elder Ling Yun, Elder Wu Shan. We've already been here for many days yet the Divine Beast in the Xia Family hasn't made a single move. As such, there's no reason for us to wait anymore. If we can force the entire Xia Family into submission, then the Weapon Refining Sect will obtain a strong position."
Hearing this, Elder Ling Yun slowly nodded his head, "You're right, my Lady. The Xia Family has only one Martial Emperor. It's only because of their backing from the Divine Beast that they were able to be on par with the Weapon Refining Sect. But, hehe, the Divine Beast has not retaliated. We don't even know if it really exists."
Shiyun did not reply, her gentle eyes merely observed the Xia Family courtyard.
I can clearly feel a strong energy from within the courtyard, there's definitely a powerful Divine Beast residing in the Xia Family home, she thought. Unfortunately, the Divine Beast was now unwilling to help the Xia Family.
In that case, this was a good time to force the Divine Beast and the Xia Family to surrender.
Suddenly, footsteps sounded from within the courtyard. Leng Yanfeng, who was by Shiyun's side from the beginning, raised his head to see a face that made him grit his teeth with hatred.
To him, this young girl always had a calm and collected aura about her, unlike junior sister Shiyun's gentleness. He doesn't know whether it's because of the strength of this aura, but he has a feeling that the fairy-like junior sister Shiyun would only serve as a foil if she stood next to her.
At the thought of this, he quickly regained his senses and smiled in ridicule.
How could this be? Junior sister Shiyun is an extremely outstanding woman. Be it talents or good looks, she's considered to be the best of the best. And what would you call this... Little girl? Sure, she may no longer be a good-for-nothing, but she can never be compared with junior sister Shiyun!
"Young Master Xia, what is your decision?" Elder Ling Yun smiled curtly, "If the Xia Family were to serve my Weapon Refining Sect and become our subordinates, we might even be kind enough to let you all leave with your lives, hahaha!"
Xia Zixi's face darkened but before he could speak, a young girl's voice, full of murderous intent, chimed in.
"It was the both of you. You're responsible for Master Xia's injuries, and... Pushing Yu'er off a cliff?"
Gu Ruoyun raised her delicate and pretty head. Her black pupils stared coldly at the crowd before her. The aura from her body was as cold as ice as her murderous intent overflowed from her entire body, spreading throughout the entire courtyard.
Ling Yun sneered, "You mean that reckless little son of a b*tch? So what if we did? It's not just him. You too must die! Just because you're a Martial King doesn't mean that you can do as you please. There are mountains beyond mountains and heavens beyond heavens. Between both of us Martial Emperors, you're not enough for the kill."
Due to the impending danger that loomed above the Xia Family, many powerful forces in Heaven City have gathered in the Xia Family home. Now that the members of the Weapon Refining Sect have arrived at the gates, all of them had rushed out with their weapons drawn, ready for a fight to the death.
However, the young girl only chuckled. She curled her lips but the murderous intent in her eyes did not diminish. Instead, it increased.
"Haha, that's right. You're absolutely right. There are mountains beyond mountains and heavens beyond heavens. Your Weapon Refining Sect has harmed people that should have been left alone. So I, Gu Ruoyun, now solemnly swear that if I do not annihilate the entire Weapon Refining Sect, then I, Gu Ruoyun am not worthy to be called a human!"

Her words were like a shocking clap of thunder exploding into the hearts of everyone present. Even the powerful families of Heaven City stared blankly in shock as they gazed at the young girl's cold and delicate features with disbelief.
They could not believe that someone would declare their intention to destroy the entire Weapon Refining Sect in such a public manner. The Dongfang family was evenly matched with them. She's definitely got delusions of grandeur.
Indeed, though the Hundred Herb Hall is powerful and has good connections with many powerful organizations, that may not be enough if they were to fight against the Weapon Refining Sect.
After all, when compared with the Weapon Refining Sect, there were no Martial Emperors among the ranks of the Hundred Herb Hall!
"Merely a small grain of rice, yet it dares to challenge the sun and the moon?" Elder Ling Yun's smile grew cold and eerie as he replied carelessly, "Little girl, you are small and weak. And yet you talk like a savage. The Lady of our house may be a great genius but she's not as arrogant as you. I don't understand it. What right do you have to act so savagely?"
When compared with their Lady, this little girl was very far off. But she does not follow our Lady's good example and behave with more humility and kindness. It would seem that perfect and outstanding women like our Lady were now extinct from the world.
She's probably the only one on the entire mainland.
Elder Wu Shan coldly observed Gu Ruoyun and spoke in in a frightening manner, "Elder Ling Yun, since this girl has an exaggerated opinion of her abilities, then let us give her a taste of the true power of Martial Emperors!"
If Moyu were here, she would certainly snort in disdain at the two Martial Emperors.
Forget about Martial Emperors, she's already witnessed the power of a Martial Honor and maintained her composure when watching two Martial Honors fight with each other. Would the coercion of one mere Martial Emperor compel her to serve him?
Besides, she had already faced a pale dragon which would pose as a great headache to everyone on the mainland and made it surrender to her. Just what confidence do these two Martial Emperors have that she would fear them?
Ling Yun laughed loudly then tore through the skies and charged towards Gu Ruoyun.
The formidable magnanimity of the head-on collision caused Xia Zixi, who stood next to Gu Ruoyun, to stumble a few steps back. He raised his head in astonishment, then shouted anxiously, "Lady Gu, watch out!"
He knew how much Gu Ruoyun meant to Yu'er. If anything were to happen to her, how could he face Yu'er again?
Now Xia Zixi was beginning to feel guilty for involving Gu Ruoyun in this mess.
However, the young girl remained calm in the face of the hurricane. She raised her head and stared coldly at the oncoming Elder Ling Yun.
Then, she slowly opened her mouth to speak. Her clear, cold voice resonated into every ear in the crowd, striking their hearts with ferocity.
"Tianqiong, show me your power."
Back in Heaven Mountain, she had already restored the Azure Dragon's eyes with Zixie's help. Unfortunately, after helping her restore the Azure Dragon's eyes, Zixie suffered a great loss in energy and has entered into a deep slumber.
Just as Gu Ruoyun spoke, the loud roar of a dragon resonated throughout the heavens and earth. Before everyone could make sense of the situation, a bright azure light shot out from the young girl's body, flying towards the skies.
The Azure Dragon was enormous and covered the entire expanse of the heavens. It was like black clouds blocking out the sunlight, hiding the sky and covering the earth.
"Haha!" Ling Yun laughed as a smile of ridicule hung on his lips, "Gu Ruoyun, based on what we've heard, there was indeed a dragon under your wing and the dragon has threatened and frightened many people into retreat. Unfortunately, we've already grappled with the card in your hand. In reality, this dragon is a powerless good-for-nothing! Furthermore, it's blind! Tsk tsk, but I've heard that you have a White Tiger as well and that in human form, she was indeed an outstanding beauty. How about you give that White Tiger to the brothers of the Weapon Refining Sect and we'll grant you an easier death!"

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