A Crisis In The Xia Family 2

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Streaks of blood flowed from an open wound on her arm, dyeing the injured dragon's back in red. It was hard to tell the difference between the dragon's blood and hers...
"The road to greatness is paved with blood. Even if I have to be soaked with blood on the way, I will cut my way through the thistles and thorns to climb or walk to complete the journey."
The young girl's words, spoken long ago, suddenly rang in Zixie's head. He stared at the blood-soaked girl, still fighting bravely, and a set of complex yet peculiar emotions began to fill his gaze.
She strove to flaunt her superiority and fought with the pale dragon so does she not fear death? No. She was very afraid of death. As a person who had already experienced death once, she treasured her second chance in life even more. And because she treasured it so much, she would willingly undergo dangerous trials.
She's doing all of this so that she will continue to grow in power.
Only with great power could she obtain the seat of honor among the most powerful cultivators on this mainland. Then will she have the power to protect the people beside her, never to be parted again...
Pu chi!
Once again, the longsword pierced into the pale dragon's back, causing it to suddenly plummet from the sky, bringing Gu Ruoyun along with it...
Zixie immediately tore through the skies and caught the falling girl. He slowly made his descent.
The young girl on Zixie's back was drenched in blood, even the longsword in her hands had blood dripping onto the ground. She pursed her thin lips with a calm light in her eyes. Her slender body stood tall and her blood-soaked clothes flapped against the wind. She looked like a murderous god, blood-thirsty by nature and filled with raw intent for slaughter.
Yan's mouth opened in shock. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that this little girl would end up defeating a dragon!
There were many times when he thought that she would be defeated but by some unknown power, she never loosened her grip no matter how many injuries she had suffered.
One might even say that the little girl defeated the dragon not with strength but by sheer willpower!
If it were not for her willpower, even if there were a hundred of her, she would still have become a scrap of meat stuck between the pale dragon's teeth.
"It would seem that this time, the heavens have truly been defied."
On top of a mountain, not too far away, the Honorable Sir Tian Qi let out a small sigh. Sometime in the future, this young girl will surely bring a revolution onto the mainland...
There's nothing to fear about a gifted person. The fearsome thing would be a person who was not only gifted but hard working as well with an absolute willpower.
Someone like that is truly terrifying.
Honorable Sir Tian Qi finally understood how she could have grown at such an abnormal pace! It's because she holds all three qualities and would become something so out of this world that even he was terrified. Luckily, this little girl was not an enemy, he thought. Otherwise, he would be having a very big headache...
Zixie gradually elongated his body once Gu Ruoyun had stepped down. A figure in purple robes which fluttered despite the lack of a breeze appeared by her side. His demonic features were formed into a deep smile as his eyes gazed gently at the young girl.
"Little girl, I have a whole new level of respect for you now."
Gu Ruoyun smiled but did not reply. She turned her attention to the pale dragon, and curled her lips, "Zixie, help me get its eyes out, I want to use them to heal the Azure Dragon."
The pale dragon growled softly, its voice was not nearly as clear as it had been in the beginning, it was as if it were pleading with her.
Zixie glanced at the pale dragon and looked at Gu Ruoyun, "Little girl, he asks for you to spare him. In return, he's willing to become the weapon spirit of your spiritual weapon. Perhaps you should think about this. If you were to obtain a weapon spirit, your middle-class weapon will be upgraded to a high-class one."

Gu Ruoyun shook her head, "I will obtain a weapon spirit sooner or later, the most important thing now is the eyes of the Azure Dragon."
Meanwhile, the Azure Dragon who was in the phoenix cauldron overheard Gu Ruoyun's conversation. A hint of gratitude appeared in his eyes. From what he could tell, a high-class spiritual weapon was far more valuable than him. One should know that there are no high-class spiritual weapons in existence on this mainland. But she would willingly give up on such a strong weapon spirit all for the sake of his eyes...
How could he not be moved by this warm sentiment?
The pale dragon growled anxiously and stared pitifully at Gu Ruoyun. All trace of his earlier cruelty and maliciousness was now gone.
"Little girl, he says that if it's dragon's eyes you want, there's an extra pair in his possession. But the previous owner was not as powerful as he was, so the effect of those eyes may not be as great in comparison with his own. You should put this into consideration, little girl. Those dragon's eyes may be of a lower level but they would still help the Azure Dragon in regaining some of his power. They may not be as powerful as this dragon's eyes, but the Azure Dragon can recuperate on his own, albeit slowly."
Gu Ruoyun was silent.
This pale dragon would willingly admit that his extra pair of dragon's eyes was not as powerful as his own, I'm not sure if he's naive or stupid? She wondered. If this were anyone else, they'd probably choose the pale dragon's own eyes instead.
"Let me discuss this with the Azure Dragon. If he agrees, then it's decided."
Just then, Tianqiong's voice sounded from within her soul, "Master, you've done more than enough for Yunyao and I, I'm willing to accept the extra pair of dragon's eyes instead. Even if I'm unable to regain my powers fully, at least I will no longer be a good-for-nothing who will only hold you back. I can work hard on my own and slowly regain my power. This way, you will also be able to upgrade your spiritual weapon, Master."
Hearing this, Gu Ruoyun raised her head, and looked at the pale dragon, "Do you agree to become my weapon spirit and to fight by my side?"
She asked him to fight alongside her, not to fight for her.
Joy sprung in the pale dragon's heart and he nodded his head quickly like someone pounding garlic. He let out a low growl as if he was responding to Gu Ruoyun's question.
"Alright, since it's agreed, then I'll let you be my weapon spirit for the time being. Once I've entered the pinnacle of strength, I'll set you free. Now, come inside."
Gu Ruoyun raised the sword in her hand to her face and watched as the pale dragon's body slowly turned transparent. Then, the transparent body seeped into the sword.
At that moment, a picture of the white pale dragon appeared on the sword's blade. Its eyes were ferocious and malicious, intimidating all who laid eyes on it.
"This time, we've gained quite a few benefits on our expedition to Heaven Mountain," Gu Ruoyun smiled in satisfaction before turning towards the people behind her, "With your current level of strength, you will not be able to digest the holy spirit stones. In fact, your bodies might explode from consuming them. However, since there are so many holy spirit stones here, it would be very suitable for a Martial Warrior level of cultivation. Each of you will take one Qi Collection pill then begin cultivating here. We'll leave this place in half a month."
"As you command, Master."
Moyu stared in adoration at Gu Ruoyun. She now had another reason to flaunt upon her return. After all, only a few of them from the Devil Sect had the privilege to witness a pale dragon surrendering to their Master...
However, Gu Ruoyun could not anticipate that because they had all chosen to remain in Heaven Mountain for half a month, a crisis would fall upon the Xia Family! When she finally returns, it was too late for regrets, raising a violent commotion in the mainland...

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