Master Xia's Rage 2

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"Such an idiot!" whispered Pang Fei in his heart. He initially thought that this woman would deny it. He certainly never thought that she would actually admit her intentions towards the Xia Family. Isn't she looking for death?
Pang Ran panicked at the sight of Master Xia's sinking expression and tugged at Gu Ruoyun's sleeve nervously while whispering, "The opposition is a Martial Emperor, we should probably just stick it out for now. The Imperial Throne isn't so great. I don't want it anymore. I'll even stop eating red roasted pork so please don't be reckless."
Pang Ran's words were intended to prevent Gu Ruoyun from challenging a powerful Martial Emperor. It's only an Imperial Throne, it's really not that great. So what if I don't become the Emperor? If we offend Master Xia, the first one to die would most likely be Gu Ruoyun.
Yet, Gu Ruoyun's face was full of smiles as she gazed at the old man before her.
Just as the entire court was filled with nervous tension, Master Xia laughed boldly and without any inhibition. Satisfied, he turned towards Gu Ruoyun, "You are certainly the daughter of Gu Tian and Dongfang Yu! Not bad, not bad at all! Actually, I've already guessed your intentions on my way here. But I wanted to hear it from you myself. Furthermore, not many can remain so nonchalant when under my intimidation. I quite admire you, little girl. It's a pity that my grandson has yet to mature. Otherwise, I would give him to you as a husband."
His words were like a bolt of lightning, rendering everyone speechless.
This... What is this? What a giant turn of events! And he's selling off his own grandson?
"Er... There's no need for that."
The corners of Gu Ruoyun's mouth twitched.
His grandson? She thought. If I remember correctly, there is only one male descendant in the third generation of the Xia family, Xia Linyu! If he gives Xia Linyu to me as a husband, then what would that mean? Incest?
Actually, Master Xia was only shooting the breeze. Even though he has thoroughly investigated Gu Ruoyun's background; not only was this girl fortunate enough to obtain the Hundred Herb Hall, but she built its achievements from scratch! The extent of the Hundred Herb Hall's power now was due to her efforts in expanding it.
Additionally, the renowned Ghost Doctor is her disciple, and while many do not know this, he knows that the mother of this girl was a pearl in the palm of the Dongfang family. She is also the Master of the White Tiger and the Azure Dragon. All her qualifications amounted to her being the perfect match for his grandson.
But he is an open-minded grandfather and understands that his grandson's feelings and affections need to grow on their own. He will not make the decision for them.
"Master Xia, this woman harbors ill intentions. You must not allow her to deceive you! She herself has admitted that her goal is the Xia Family, which means that she plans on taking over the Xia Family! How could you allow this walking disaster to continue to live?"
The color on Pang Fei's face changed instantly, he gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Gu Ruoyun.
He did not, however, notice the color rapidly draining from Elder Zhao's face when he spoke.
Moron! Elder Zhao thought. You motherf*cking moron! The Master holds such great dignity! Who would dare to question his decisions? This Pang Fei is completely brainless. I can't understand why the Second Master would want to send assistance to such a moron!
If I had known about this earlier, I would not have accepted this intervention. Master clearly admires Gu Ruoyun, and he would be greatly displeased with the things I've committed!
I'm done for! I'm going to be destroyed thanks to this moron!
At this moment, Elder Zhao was already watching as Master Xia's facial expression turn gravely serious; a storm was brewing in the Master's eyes.

"A mere Imperial Prince dares to speak to me in such a manner? Is this how the Imperial Princes have been brought up?" Master Xia smiled coldly, "Pang Zihuang, how do you educate your sons? Such a jealous heart and such arrogance, how can he be an Imperial prince?"
Pang Zihuang stared at Pang Fei in disappointment. If He still felt love for this son, then He would have been greatly hurt and disappointed in the sins that Pang Fei had committed.
"Master Xia, Pang Fei...has long been stripped of his title as an Imperial Prince of Black Tortoise Country. Do whatever you wish to him, Master Xia. We leave this decision to you."
Once He said His piece, He closed His eyes and didn't even look at Pang Fei's frantic expression.
"Good!" Master Xia turned his gaze towards Pang Fei and simply said, "Pang Fei, you have committed an unforgivable sin. Your punishment will be determined in the Xia Family's torture chamber. You'd best ready yourself. As for the matter concerning the inheritance of the Imperial Throne, the throne will go to Pang Ran."
Pang Fei's body trembled as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning. Imperial Concubine mother and uncle are both dead, and now I am being chased out of the Imperial Household. The enemy, Pang Ran is to inherit the Imperial Throne...
All these factors combined collapsed the defenses in his mental state. He charged like a wild man towards Pang Ran.
"Die Pang Ran! I'll make sure that you die!"
"You are only a useless good-for-nothing, what right do you have in becoming the Emperor? A useless thing like you should have been dead long ago. The Imperial Throne is mine and mine only, hahaha!"
He tore his hair apart like a madman and his eyes were filled with viciousness. Anyone who was unaware of the situation would assume that Pang Ran had burst Pang Fei's anus. Pang Fei's maddened expression looked ready to dismember Pang Ran into a thousand pieces.
However, before he could reach Pang Ran, the General appeared in front of him and sent him flying out of the way with one slap. Pang Fei spat out a mouthful of blood, staining his crazed expression red.
I cannot accept this! He thought angrily. I really cannot accept this! A victory was within my grasp, how could this happen?
That's right! This is all Gu Ruoyun's fault. If it weren't for her, Pang Ran and his mother would have been long dead! She is the true ringleader behind all of this!
"How daring of you, boldly trying to cause harm to others in front of this old man!" Master Xia's face darkened in color, like an evening before a storm and he spoke coldly, "Pang Fei, so you think that Pang Ran is a good-for-nothing and cannot be compared to you? However, I believe that he can lead Black Tortoise Country into glory! So what if he is a good-for-nothing? He has the talent to rule a country, and he does not view his subjects as mole crickets and ants! Because of your attitude, you can never be Emperor! Black Tortoise Country does not need a powerful person, but someone who can bring it to greater heights!"
Pang Fei's entire body gradually grew weak, he simply could not understand it. Why can't a powerful man be Emperor? Yet a good-for-nothing has managed to win the position...
"Haha!" Suddenly, Pang Fei laughed. His laugh carried a sense of madness, "Pang Ran, I've lost to you. I've lost to a good-for-nothing like you! But do you think you would have won if it weren't for the help you received from the Hundred Herb Hall? The heavens know what you've done, you've used your appearance to deceive everyone. But one day, you shall receive retribution! You will definitely receive retribution! Once that happens, I will make you kneel and apologize to my Imperial Concubine mother!"
Pang Fei spat out another mouthful of blood. His pupils appeared to dilate, his eyes gradually turned white and he was losing his breath...
"His excitement has burst a vein in his heart, he will die soon."
Master Xia shook his head and spoke calmly. Then, he seemed to remember something and turned his attention to the momentarily forgotten Elder Zhao.
"Elder Zhao, do you think you've given me any choice?"
Elder Zhao was a high-level Martial King. If I did not appear in the nick of time, he might have already killed Gu Ruoyun! thought Master Xia. Lord Lingxiao has been searching for this girl. If she dies, not even a hundred Elder Zhaos would be able to pay off this debt!

Elder Zhao had initially planned on taking advantage of Master Xia's momentary lapse of attention on him to slip away until he suddenly heard the latter's voice and instantly paused in his footsteps. His elderly face turned very pale. In his panic, his forehead became drenched with cold sweat.
"Master, I was only doing this in consideration of the Xia Family. Nothing more."
He fiercely gritted his teeth and forcibly swallowed the information that he wanted to convey to Xia Qi. No matter the circumstances, he was greatly indebted to the Second Master Xia, and he cannot reveal his intentions.
"Were your intentions truly in consideration of the Xia Family, or are you simply using our name to rain tyrannical abuse? I reckon you of all people should be most clear on this! Elder Zhao, such a higher-up like you can no longer stay with the Xia Family. From now on, you are no longer a part of the Xia Family!"
Like thunder from a clear sky, Elder Zhao was thoroughly dumbfounded. He never imagined that the Master would throw him out of the Xia Family. This punishment was far more severe than ten great tortures. He simply could not bear it.
Because the Xia Family has now forsaken him, he no longer has any reason to stay on the mainland.
Elder Zhao fell onto the ground and knelt down. He cried out profusely, "I have remained loyal and devoted to the Xia Family for so many years. If I have no contributions, I have indeed worked hard for the family. I've only made one mistake and now you want me out of the family. Master, won't this behavior disappoint the other members of the Xia Family?"
In that instant, a strict, cold and dignified pair of eyes turned towards Elder Zhao, as sharp as a sword.
Master Xia's expression remained cold. He clasped his hands behind his back and replied, "When has anyone had the right to question my decisions? If you're not happy with my behavior, you can certainly leave the Xia Family. I won't stop you!"
He is the Master of the Xia Family. Hence, he governs everything in the entire Xia Family, including Heaven City. He will not change his decision. If you're not happy? That's fine. You can leave the Xia Family.
After all, the large Xia Family would not be bothered by the departure of one or two members.
So don't think that he would feel threatened with such matters!
Elder Zhao closed his eyes in despair. Suddenly, he laughed and stood up. He stared mockingly at Master Xiao from head to toe and spoke in a voice filled with hatred.
"Master, you threw me out of the family, all for the sake of one tiny Hundred Herb Hall... I believe you'll regret this one day!"
Even though the Master did indeed hold Pang Ran in great admiration, he would not have thrown out a powerful high-level Martial King for the sake of the insignificant Pang Ran. One should know that the number of Martial Kings in the mainland was few and far in between, and Elder Zhao is a high-level Martial King!
Isn't he doing this for the sake of currying favor with the Master of the Hundred Herb Hall? So that she would allow him to purchase a few pills?
Such greed and selfishness, how could he not regret this in the future?
"Master Xia, I hope that when the time comes, you won't be kneeling before me and begging for my return! By the way, Gu Ruoyun, don't think that this old man is sincere in helping you. Based on the fact that he is a greedy and selfish person, why would he help you if it were not for the fact that you have a few pills on hand? Once you've lost your usefulness, you will soon die by his hand. Haha!"
Elder Zhao laughed again and retracted the murderous intent in his eyes. He brushed his sleeves, turned around and stumbled as he left. I looked as if he was going to slip and fall at any moment.
"Merely a jumping jester."
Master Xia smiled coldly in disapproval. He turned and faced the young girl behind him, and his eyes, which were initially as frosty as an icebox, now turned warm like a blooming flower and smiled.
"Little girl, I've heard that you have an Azure Dragon and a White Tiger as your spiritual beasts. Could you show them to me?"

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