Chapter 6

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I gave Cole my smile that I give to all customers, which, of course, is forced.

I asked, in as sweet of a tone as I could manage, “What can I get you?”

Cole was giving me his usual amused smirk. “What do you recommend?”

I rolled my eyes. “What fruit do you like? We can make anything you want. You create it, we make it.”

He tapped a finger on his chin. “I think… I’ll have… the Strawberry Kiwi with soymilk.”

“Alright, Sadie start a SK with soy instead of whole while I ring up the rest.” I ordered and she went on to make it.

I rang up his and said, “That’ll be three seventy-five.” He handed me a visa bank card- of course. I swiped, then handed it back to him and had him sign the receipt.

Dana stepped up after Cole and before I could ask him he said, “I would like a Pineapple Bam.”

I smiled and stuck my hand up for a high five. “You know what’s good!”

He high fived my hand with a big smile on his face. He paid in cash and I gave him his change.

I got the rest of the IM5 crews’ orders before helping Sadie make them. I, personally, made Dana’s since it was a Pineapple Bam! It’s the best one on the menu.

When everyone in the IM5 crew had their drink, I, once again, cleaned up the back area. After cleaning up, I saw it was 6:30. I have just ten more minutes, then I can clock out and count tips. I’ve said it before, I love this job, but there are just days I don’t want to be here. To be fair, most people are like that. You can love something but want to be away from it, even if it's just for a little while.

I made myself Pineapple Bam and Dalton an Orange Blue, then clocked out two minutes early. Then I split the tip jar between Sadie and I- about thirteen bucks each, not bad but we’ve had better. I still stayed sitting at the table with everyone in case another customer shows up. Taryn and Rylie haven’t shown up for their shifts yet, which go until close 10:00 tonight. Where are they?- Just as that thought crossed my mind, the two of them came in giggling from the back door.

Those girls are annoying, really preppy and only care about how they look. I do not know how they’ve managed to keep this job- if I was the manager, I would have fired them by now. Granted, one of our managers is a guy- Hunter Brooks. He’s a graduate from Penn state and why he’s working at a local smoothie shop? I have no idea. I don’t even know what degree he graduated with- Probably something managerial. I’m just taking a guess on that.

The other manager we have is the owner’s daughter, who is currently a sophomore at one of the local community colleges here. Her name is Dory. She’s super sweet and, usually, when I need a night off, she’ll give it to me. There was one time when I had something come up. She was completely understanding about it and just said for me to find someone to cover for me.

But now that I’ve thought about it- not one of our managers is here or was here for that big fiasco earlier. Whatever. I get paid this Friday.

I don’t know why but I, randomly, started thinking about how Cole has this weird insane crush on me and I know I’m not the only that notices. But then that got me to thinking about all the other guys in the IM5 crew. I don’t hear them talking about any special girl or girls in general. Granted, I don’t talk to them that often- I just see them at school and the occasional outings that we’ve done in the past week or so.

I set my empty cup on the table and sat up more. “So any of you have girlfriends?” All of them stopped talking and just gave me looks like I had lobsters coming out of my ears. “What? I’m just asking because I’m tired of being the only girl in this group. It's a valid question too.” I huffed as I leaned back in the booth once again.

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