The one with the bath

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"Stop it." She mumbled with a smile as she snuggled closer to me. She tilted to the side, her head and shoulder against my chest. Her back was pressed against my knee behind her. She wove her legs to be on top and under my left one, wrapping her ankle around mine.

I saw her face creased with lines of stress so I leant down as she looked at me confusedly. I kissed her long and soft, moving my lips with hers smoothly. I felt her tense against my body as she put a hand under my jaw as we kissed. I pulled away gently before her hormones took over and took our soft kiss to something rougher. And trust me, I don't mind when she does, but she wants to talk to me right now and I don't want her to get distracted.

We pulled away and she leant her head against my chest again.

"So..." she started, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "Do you have a preference?"

"Presence of wh..." I trailed off when I noticed her hand on her not too big baby bump. "Oh." I smiled down at her. "Not really. I'd like a baby girl but I wouldn't mind if it were a boy."

"I want a girl too." She smiled up at me.

I gazed down at her lovingly before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Do you want to know the gender before the baby comes?" I asked her as I put my hand on her thigh, rubbing gently.

"I kinda wanted to keep it a surprise for us." She told me as she held my other hand, tracing the lines and creases of it.

"Okay. And have you thought of names?" I asked her, excited to tell her what I've though of.

I'll probably just agree to whatever she wants to name the baby, because I don't wanna make her feel bad. I've been doing everything I could to make my mistake easier on her.

"Dylan, we're still 5 months away!" She laughed.

"I know." I rolled my eyes with a smile. "I'm just curious."

"Correction- you're just impatient." She smiled up at me.

"Oh whatever." I smiled defeatedly my when she kissed my chest with a smile.

"If it's a girl- Marabell, or Bell for short." She told me. "If it's a boy- Marvell."

Wow those were bad names. I sighed internally, I couldn't let my kid be named Marabell or Marvell! I needed to think of a way to change her mind before the baby came. I couldn't say anything now- her pregnancy hormones would make her go crazy.

"Those are unique names." I nodded and she beamed at that.

"What about you?" She asked me curiously.

"Girl- Isabella, Bella for short. Boy- Edward." I told her.

"I like Isabella a lot." Then she gave me a guilty look. "Not so sure I like Edward."

"Me neither honestly." I laughed and she joined. "How about Jacob?" I asked.

She nodded. "I like Jacob."

We smiled at each other and I leant down and kissed her. She tilted her head upwards so she could press deeper into my mouth. She slipped her tongue into my mouth and explored every part of it. Our tongues performed a well practiced dance before she bit down on my bottom lip hard. She pulled away as she moved to sit on my lap. I grabbed her face, a hand on each cheek, and kissed her deeply. She gripped me by the collar of my shirt. pulling me onto her. She started to unbutton my shirt and that's when I knew her hormones would take over for tonight. And as much as I enjoyed that, i wasn't in the mood right now.

I pulled away gently, acting as if I needed space to breathe.

I looked back at her as she tried to fix her hair. I got off the bed and she watched me, wondering what I was doing.

I went to her side of the bed and leant over to reach her. She smiled when I snagged her by the hips, picking her up. I put my hands under her backside as she wrapped her arms around my neck, holding on to me.

I kissed down her neck, leaving wet dark purple bruises. She loved it when I did that. No matter how sore it made her, she always loved it. It was something I knew would get her going with me, if I did it right, every single time. So when I needed her on some nights I knew her neck was my best bet and she loved it. She also knew my place and I loved when she tried to seem innocent as she did it.

I carried her to our bathroom and set her down on the counter, standing between her legs.

"What're you doing?" She asked me confusedly as I dimmed the bathroom lights a bit.

"I'm drawing us a bath." I answered as I went and turned on the hot water of our bath.

"What should we do while we wait?" I asked her, meaning while the white marble bathtub filled up.

"Come here and I'll show you." She held out a hand towards me. I smiled at that and went to stand between her legs.

We did what we wanted with our lips on each other for about 8 minutes before the large bathtub was filled. I poured bubble liquid into it and a few seconds later the whole tub was filled with foamy white bubbles.

As she tied her hair in a bun I undressed her for her. It was easier because with her growing stomach she couldn't even reach her shoes. So i was her bottom half dresser and undresser.

I let her undress me as we kissed, giving her a moment to breathe as we pulled away. I picked her up and set her down into the tub, against the side where you're supposed to put your back against. I sat down beside her.

The bubbled and foamy white water went up to our chests. I did that on purpose because I knew she got uneasy when I could see her bare for a while. So that's why I added bubbles, so we couldn't see but only feel. And that's the way she liked it.

I put my hand in the warm water and set it on her thigh, gripping hard. She let out a breathy moan as my hand traveled further up from her thigh, exploring and feeling more than she should allow me to. But it never bothered her as I did so. When she had enough she held me by my area, teasingly holding on to me. I thrusted deeper into her hand, letting out a begging whine and she obeyed. She started pumping me, playing rough. When she started to feel it drip she let go and I snatched her by the waist, pulling her on to my lap. I felt her area press against mine and we both let out a soft moan at the same time before laughing. I bit and sucked at her neck, leaving her favorite kinds of purple, sore bruises.

That was probably the best and most longest bath I've ever taken.

After our baths we went to our room. She was totally bare under her fluffy, black robe. I changed into a pair of shorts and hoodie while she sat on the couch, watching tv with a hand on her 5 month pregnant stomach. She looked adorable.

"Where are you going?" She asked me as I walked by her, grabbing my phone.

"Telepathy training with Cole." I told her as I walked to her.

"Have fun." She told me as I leant down and kissed the fluffy robe on her baby bump.

"See yaaa!" I sang as I walked out the door.

Sencen twins (COMPLETED!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang