Fountain Of Tears

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We stood before the door listening to the cries echoing out. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't want anything to do with what was in there. I knew I could never deal with the guilt I was feeling right now. Maybe we could've done something? Maybe. But to me, the fear was way too strong. It was all I thought about. All I thought about was how bad it really could've been. Anything was possible at this point.

We could open that door and see something we would hold on to until the day we died. Which was probably sooner them we had ever considered.

"I can't do it. I'm not strong enough for this" Blair said as the laughs in the room began to get louder. Whatever it was had loved to see us suffer. This was proof of that. I knew she was strong. Out of all of us, she was the only one who was truly capable of surviving this place. She had already done it once. She even had the strength to come back and do it again for all of us. At this point, she had just been lying to herself. But I knew I needed to show her.

I needed her that if I could do it is, could she. But that would mean I would actually have to do it. That was something I couldn't even imagine. not after what she had not me. He had done a great job at putting fear into my heart. Now it was only up to me to fight it off. I didn't know if I was capable of that. She didn't know if she was either. She was probably feeling the same way I was. That was what gave me the confidence to push through that door.

I never regretted something more.

The things that had been in front of me were the worst I had seen in my whole existence. I didn't want to live anymore. I wanted to die just because of the sight that laid before me. I wished I could take back everything. It hurt me to know that that wasn't possible. I couldn't take it back. I couldn't have helped sooner. Now it was over. Now I needed to do what I could do now but even I knew that that would never be enough

Nothing would ever be enough.

A body swung from the ceiling a body I had grown to know. A body I had grown to trust. She was gone to couldn't change that. She was right there dead. And the love of her life had to watch.

"Wren's dead" I whispered to Blair who still didn't have the courage to look out the door. I wish I could be been in her place.

I had lost Wren but now I was about to lose my sister. The girl had been stuck in the fountain. Water filled up as the girl cried and tried to find any type of air pockets.

I knew I already wasted enough time.

"Josie!!" Blair shouted as she pushed by me and ran to the girl. It somewhat hurt me that it tool this much just for Blair to realized how much Josie Meant. It was ironic at this point. Josie was right. Blair needed something like this to open her stubborn eyes but the truth was I might've already been too late.

I didn't want to lose my big sister. Tears began to stream down my face as I began trying to break through the barrier that was holding her in. I knew the water would fill up. After that, it would be over for her. After that, I would lose my big sister. No matter what I couldn't let that happen. How could I live without somebody like her in my life? I couldn't. She was always there and now she would be taken away.

"Please, please, please," I said to my self as my hands forcibly his the top. Whoever did this to her would pay.

"This is not going to work," Blair said as we both continued. We knew the odds weren't in our favor but that didn't stop anything.

I watched as Josie nodded her head as the water began to fill up. I felt dread in my heart. I knew she was giving up. She couldn't give up. I couldn't lose my sister. Tears began to fall down even harder as the girl gave me a smile filled with every memory we ever had. Every smile, every time she stood up for me, every time we argued, every moment we had each other in the worst times. All of it. I couldn't do it. I could bear to watch anything that was about to happen. I had never felt more broken.

"why can't we make this last forever," I said to the girl as the water slowly began to cover her mouth. I knew we didn't have much time. I knew that I could watch my sister drown. I had never felt this pain and I was positive even a stab in the heart couldn't equate to this.

The girl didn't respond all she did was continued to smile at me. I knew I could never forget that image. I never wanted to forget it.

I never could forget. I remembered the first day of school. The time she scared my whole class just to protect me and gave me that exact smile afterward. I remembered summer vacations where we took family pictures. When we actually had a family.

I would give anything to have that back. That was all I wanted. I just wanted my old life back. I didn't want to lose her.

My cries got louder as Blair began to pull me away from the fountain. I didn't want to.leave I would rather die than leave her there to die.

"Please, please no" I repeated as I tried to hold on to the door frame. I knew this would be the last time I would see my sister.

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