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"well, I'm done. If You won't forgive me after all I've done then that's on you but don't sit here and act like you care when you already know what you want" I shouted to the boy as I walked out his room and slammed the door behind me.

I was done. Done. I didn't have it in me to be hurt anymore. I had been through enough and I didn't need more. The hallway was empty as I walked through it looking for somebody who would just listen. That was all I needed. After everything, not one person knew the truth. That was because the didn't want to listen.

This had only been my first day back but I knew it would be the start of another one of the worst times of my life. I could just feel it.

I had felt it for the longest time. Actually, I had never stooped feeling it. The darkness always hung over me. I knew it wouldn't go away until I finished what started or if I died. Those were the only options. But for now, I had chosen to ignore it. I would be fine if I avoided it at all costs. Well for now.

I knew they wouldn't give up but I could at least try and make them forget.

"Blair?" said a voice from behind me " I don't feel do good"

I turned around to see Mingyu his skin had been Pale and his eyes had been sunken. He looked sick.

"what's wrong," I said as I ran towards the boy and grabbed on to his shoulders. I looked into his eyes but they weren't his. They were empty it was like he flashed a few times but he was mostly gone.

"I don't know Blair you tell me? Out of all people, you would know what's wrong!! It's all your fault" said the boy as his head shot up and a familiar smile crept up on to his face. I knew something was wrong.

I turned around with fear in my heart "oh ok just let me know when you're fine" I said as I began to speed walk down the hallway.

"you know I won't be fine Blair. Not until you come back home." my heart stopped at the words. There was no walking. I began running down the hallway at full speed. Running had now been my talent. I just needed to run long enough for somebody to find us. I wasn't sure if I really wanted that. I knew Mingyu wasn't himself. I knew that I was the one who should be hurt not him.

The boy began running after me this was the only time I was happy about his not so great athletic abilities.

I turned back to the boy "Mingyu!" I shouted trying to break him out of his trance-like form. I knew he had to have been in there somewhere.

"don't call you should have known you weren't getting away," said the boy. I knew those weren't his words. I didn't have a clue about my situation. I should've known this day would have come.

"Mingyu wake up, I don't want this"

I took a turn into a random room In hopes I could hide from the boy. In hopes, he would come back.

I hit the floor and tried to crawl into a space big enough to hide me. That was all I had. I couldn't fight back that was my brother. Or maybe not my brother. I didn't care. I knew whatever this was wasn't going to control him forever. I needed to wait until then. If that was even possible.

The moment I found a space big enough for me to hide I was silent. I knew I couldn't make a noise I knew I couldn't get caught because if I did I would have to fight back. I didn't wanna do that.

My nerves have been over the roof my heart has been pounding as the boy's footsteps got loud. I knew he was approaching.

My eyes had been locked on the floor as I tried to keep my cool. I bead of sweat fell down my face as I waited for the worse. Please. Please.

His feet stopped right in front of me as I prayed that he wouldn't notice me. I already knew it was too late. I was foolish to think I could hide from something that was more than what I could see with my own eyes. he wasn't just a human he was more than that he didn't need to see to know I was there he probably knew I was there the moment I stepped foot in.

"I know you're here, you were better off running" Whispered the boy as he began to bend down and closer to me.

I needed to get out. This was my only chance the only way I could trick him. I quickly tried to take a turn into the small space next to him. Before I could get far he was already blocking my way.

"do you think you can trick me, Blair? You are me"

"that's what you want" I whispered "the truth is that I'll never be like you'll and you'll never make me"

"is that what you thin-" the boy's body zoomed past as somebody attacked him from the side.

My eyes fell on an angry Marc that was holding the boy down as the boy's limbs crashed around.

"Let me go!!" yelled the boy as Marc flew through the sky and hit the ground.

"is that what you did to George?" said the boy as he picked himself up off the ground.

"spot on loverboy " Marc shot passed me and tried to hit the boy in his face. He had no clue what he was messing with.

" it's not him!" I yelled as I tried to calm down the situation.

"that's what you want to believe" yelled the boy as he pinned Mingyu against the wall.

My eyes scanned Mingyu who began to look worse. It looked like his energy was getting drained out of his and his sickness started fading away.

"no-no!" I said to the boy as I fell to the floor in exhaustion. I knew he was back and his voice had been confirmed of that.

I stared at the ground as Marc let out his fair share of words. I felt so empty. So confused. So conflicted.

" Can somebody please just tell me what the hell just happened?" the boy said as he got closer to me. I instantly pushed myself away not wanted to hurt him anymore. I had done enough.

"i-i I can't," I said as I bolted to the bathroom. I needed to think. I shut the door behind me and immediately turned towards the sink. I needed to make sure I was still there.

But I could see my self.

All I could see were words. Words that answered all my questions.

"wish you were here"

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