Last Night

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My eyes opened. Except I didn't know why. I didn't know-how. I didn't know anything. I jumped up from the bed and began to look around. Hoping to see anything that would remind me of what happened last night. I had nothing. Not even my own memories.

All I remembered as Blair Leaving and then after that everything was a blur. Not even a blur. Everything was nonexistent. I had no clue about anything.

I looked around my room only to see Dean fast asleep in his bed. The truth was that that didn't mean much.

My hands began to shake ad true worry began to fall over me. What did I do? Why did I do it? How did I do it? Was it even important?! I had more than enough questions and no answers. Apart of me felt empty inside. Empty that I didn't have any recollection of what happened the night before. I didn't even have memories of me doing something to make me forget.

I actually had nothing. I couldn't stand the thought of not knowing. I already knew that I was way too afraid to ask. Would I just have to deal with now knowing anything? I wasn't sure I could do that.

My hand instantly flew to my phone. If anything was going to tell me about last night it was my phone. My phone could have had pictures or videos. It could have had anything.

I quickly unlocked the phone and began looking at every picture. I checked every text message. I looked through every app I own. Nothing. No pictures of anything that happened the night before? That was not me. All of this was not me. I had never been through this before. Not until now. All I knew was that I never wanted to go through it again.

I hadn't even changed into my pajamas. I was exactly how I remembered myself last night. Nothing had changed. The only difference was what I knew. I looked at my clock and immediately caught notice of the time. It had been five in the morning. That's why everything was so quiet. I knew Dean would be waking up in thirty minutes so if I was going to find anything it would be now.

I began checking every corner of the room. Nothing.

There was literally no sign of anything I had done the day before and it made no sense.

I sighed as I fell to my bed. Maybe I would never know what happened last night.  Maybe nothing even happened. Maybe I just went to bed after Blair left. Sure I was trying to be positive but how bad could things have been. I wasn't stupid. I knew how to take care of myself. So if anything did happen I would be fine.

I wanted to believe that but still, in the pit of my stomach, I knew something was wrong. I knew something was very wrong.

Suddenly Dean shot up from his bed. He looked at me with wide eyes and sweat dripping down his forehead.

"somethings wrong," he said to me. His voice trembled as the words came out. I knew I was right. I knew something had happened last night. I knew I couldn't just ignore it.

I quickly got up and grabbed my uniform jacket on my way to the door. I turned back to the half-asleep boy "you coming?"

He slowly picked himself up from the bed as if he had been in pain. I watched as he rushed to make himself to presentable. I should've known even someone that worried could leave without looking good. Well, maybe that was just a Dean thing.

I smiled softly at him. I had actually felt happy because of him. I was happy he was my roommate. He was a good guy. He was a good friend. I never really got many of those.

My headshot towards the door in panic as I heard a loud yell from outside. I turned to Dean who's eyes had been filled with fear. I knew he was no longer going to take his time.

I quickly pushed the door open and began heading to where the yell had come from. Dean followed behind breathing loudly. I could tell he was just as worried as me.

I turned a corner and immediately caught a glimpse of a large group all in shock. People cried, yelled, and screamed. For a reason, I had no idea about. I turned back to Dean in confusion. My look was enough to trigger him to run. I quickly followed behind him. He was definitely quick.

I slowly began to see what was happening. It still didn't answer my question. There had been a large group of students surrounding staff that had seemed to be telling them something important.

My eyes made their way to Marc. He had been on the floor with tears in his eyes. It was his screams. He banged his fist on the floor in pain. That was enough for me to know that things were really bad.

I caught a glimpse of Blair who wasn't sad but stressed. She ran her hand through her hair and began to look around for somebody. She seemed confused. I would have been confused too. In fact, I was confused.

I finally reached the group and instantly knew I needed to get to Blair. I ran to her not caring about what had happened the night before. She was still my sister and she was going to tell me the truth about what happened.

I reached her and she gave me a look. A look I hadn't seen since we were kids. I knew Dean wasn't far behind me. I hoped she wouldn't get mad. We had more important things to worry about.

She looked at me for a second longer and then announced the news "He's dead"

I felt like the beautiful image I had built of fortune academy quickly began to topple down with those words.

"who" I questioned the girl.

"Marc's best friend was killed"

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