Just The Two Of Us

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"oh Nah," Kennedy shouted as she began pushing past all of us. I fully understood where she was coming from. We needed to get out. We needed to run.

"that doesn't even make any sense how the hell are they here already," Marceline said as we began to come closer to gather while moving quicker at the same time.

"your right. It's impossible for them to be here that fast" Said the brown-haired boy. The boy stopped and tried to get a good look at what was where we once were. "maybe it's not them!". The boy quickly began running.

If it wasn't them then who was it. Was it the serial killers themselves. Was it the many ghosts that had been tormenting us since we got here. Or was it something worse. After everything, I had seen tonight the possibility had seemed endless. Who really knew what would happen next.

All I knew was that I wasn't willing to see it happen.
I would already be halfway out of this place before that would come. I could never allow something to happen to me or anyone else for that matter.

My feet began moving quickly hitting the loud concrete floor. I didn't plan on dying and how quickly I was moving showed just that. I had been moving quickly down the hall with the others following behind. This time I didn't move faster or leave them. I needed to stay with them at all times the truth was we were all stronger together and my endless dancing had proved just that. Too bad I needed to learn the hard way.

"I swear it's always something" Josie whined as we moved along the floor.

"well what do you expect from a huge hotel run by serial killers that are also filled to the brim with all types of ghosts," Blair said to the girl. That was the first time I had heard Blair say something to Josie that wasn't really mean. It was still mean but not as bad "what else did you expect"

"well, I didn't expect us two go to a haunted hotel for first things. Last time I checked I only found that out when a ghost tried to kill us" Josie said finally snapping.

I knew she was done. I knew she was tried if what was happening between them. If I was her I would have been To she came all this way for me and Blair. She knew things were bad. She knew it was dangerous but she didn't care. She didn't care because she loved us and Blair couldn't see it.

"you know one day you'll see that I've always tried my best for you. Even if that day isn't today" She said as she took off down a hall I hadn't seen since she was gone. Wren followed behind making sure to never leave somebody alone. That was just a recipe for disaster. Who knew if they would get saved like I was.

"The sad truth is that I want to kill you myself," said a voice from behind us. Everybody stopped in there tracks and the words came out. We knew it was time for all or nothing "and Ben I would've killed you if you weren't already dead" a loud shriek came out of a blonde girl's mouth. She was the same one at the dance. She was also the one in the book. It also seemed like she was the one who wanted us dead the most.

"freaking go" Blair said as she hooked on to my arm and started pulling me down the hall both Wren and Josie disappeared to.

"We can't leave them," I said as we picked up our pace down the aisle.

"look if I could take the chance so could you," She said as she continued to pull me.

"We would be better together" I added in a low voice. She was lucky I didn't want to argue because I had a lot of things to argue about. "trust me I speak from experience"

"I also speak from experience" she whispered as we began to slow down our pace. For some reason, I feeling of being watched fell over me.

"your experience is to split up?" I asked my hands hit my side. To me the girl has been wrong there was nothing that could change my mind about that.

" well no," she said as she began to look around the room we were in. I knew she felt it too. I knew both of us were right. There was no doubt about it.

Something was watching us.

"let's go," I said as I began to move down the hallway Once more. I didn't want to take my chances. the group had probably already left so what was the point of trying to go back with them.

A laugh echoed through the room as we stepped through a door. Blair instantly grabbed on to my arm as if she had already known things we're going to be bad. The room had been totally in shambles. The door wasn't on the hinge. The wallpaper had been peeling off and there had been broken pieces of the room all over the floor.

"the words on the wall,"  she said to herself as she began to pull me forward. From the look on her face, I didn't want to move at all. I had no clue what to expect from this place. She seemed like she did. She seemed like she had been there before.

"they'll go through your ears," she said as she let go of me. The girl started to head to the wall. The wall where words we're written.

"and into your brain," she said as she quickly pulled the piece of wallpaper down.

"there's only one way out" I read as the room began to shake. "It's time to go" I repeated as I quickly walked towards the door at the end of the room.

"no something bad is in there." she said with wide eyes "I know it."

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