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I mean he wasn't wrong so how could I argue with that. Not to mention that he literally made me get impaled by a large piece of glass not too long ago. At this point, he was digging his own grave with me. These same parents who had taught me never to allow myself to get push around were pushing me around. Well thanks to them I learned not to get hurt twice.

"yup you're definitely right on that one," I said with a smile as I shook my head "let me tell you". I laughed the whole time as he stared me down. I didn't care what he was going to do. I didn't care about anything. I definitely didn't care about him.

He had put me in this situation. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if he was right. I didn't know anything. He put me on the spot this a question I didn't know the answer too.

What I did know was my sister was in the middle of this and if she was going get hurt just for liking the same gender so was I. I didn't have any second thoughts about that one.

" I give up on this family. Look at what you have all become. Blair's a psycho. You and Josie are gay and Kennedy was a mistake. Well, all of you were mistakes at this point." Said the man as he fell to the floor. It seemed like our sexualities had been the worst possible thing that ever happened to him.

"oh my god," I said as I ran my good hand threw my hair. I couldn't believe a single word that was coming out if this man's mouth. I didn't even know him anymore. I didn't want to know him anymore.

"well at least I have the hotel," Said the man as he turned to my mother. Who had still been crying about the pictures Blair had ripped.

"What the hell do you even mean?" Josie yelled the moment the shock left her body.

"I mean me and your mother are taking over the pink hotel. That's our child. Not any of you. You guys don't deserve it" the man laughed. I turned to Blair who had the same look as she did earlier. I knew it was terrible. It was really terrible. I knew she was going to lose it.

The girl immediately turned around and surprising started throwing up. I knew she couldn't fight anymore. This night had broken her enough. She couldn't stand up anymore. She couldn't hold in her tears anymore.

"do you see what that place did to her!! You can't see it right now! Right in front of you! Trust me you don't know the half of it! I don't even know the half of it but what I know is enough!" shouted Josie as she got closer to the couple.

"well do you know what that place did for us, Josie? It showed us a new world" said my mother softly as she proudly held up the photo to see.

Blair rushed by all of us and went straight into the house. I knew she was done and the truth was so was I. Being around my parents seemed like something I never wanted to do again. I followed behind her and ended up going straight to my room.

I shouldn't have gone into that room. The truth was it wasn't really worth it. At least now I could get what I really wanted. Some alone time. Even though my arm was still bleeding like crazy I actually began to feel calm.

That was until a group of three all rushed into the room.

"I know we all hate each other but our parents have lost their minds so we should stick together," Kennedy said as she took a seat next to me on my bed. I couldn't argue with her at this point. After what I had seen I wouldn't have been surprised if they tried to pull something crazy.

"shes right. If that hotel is all they care about the most at least know the history and if they do we're dealing with some actual psychos" Blair said as she sat down her pillow and blanket on the floor.

"cmon" Josie said as she pulled me forwards and began to unwrap my arm. Only then did I realize she had a whole bunch of first aid things in her hands. "this towel isn't really going to do".

My eyes widened as I got a good look at how bad the cut had really been. I had no clue how I was capable of pulling the glass out, in fact, I didn't even remember doing that at all. It must've been so bad that I fully got rid of the memory.

Josie slowly ran a wipey against the skin around the wound. She had been trying to get the blood off of around it. I knew this would probably be the best part of this whole process as I watched get grab on to a bottle of rubbing alcohol. I knew this was going to hurt.

The girl made sure to keep the towel somewhat around my arm to avoid it from spilling on my bed.

"Thanks for lying about your self for me. You shouldn't have done that but still" Josie said as she poured the liquid directly on my cut. A sharp pain ran over quickly but it was nowhere near as bad as it was to pull it out. I couldn't remember doing to but I sure did remember the feeling that it gave me.

"who said I was lying," I said as the pain slowly started to go away.

The girl looked at me hard and confused for a second. I knew she didn't expect it. I was pretty sure nobody expected it. Except for my "dad" of course.

The girl's expression softened as she completely abandoned her project and threw her arms around me.

It was the first time somebody had ever done that to me. I knew I would never forget the feeling.

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