Lunch Time Lovers

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"Scary dude" I whispered as we finally got to leave the 3rd classroom I had been on that day. I had remembered the Important stuff the principal and teachers had said but other than that I was pretty zoned out. It didn't help that I had constant whispers coming from behind me from my new group of friends.

I hadn't really remembered how I ditched them or where I ditched them all I knew is that I somehow ended up with Blair beside me. She didn't really like to talk but to be she was still good company.

My mind wandered back to the dude I had just mentioned to Blair. The principal. He wasn't creepy he just looked strict and being from a pretty open public school this was quite scary. I had no idea how long Blair would get away with hiding while she should've been in class. I had no idea how Josie would get away with hanging out with her friends in the bathroom. I wondered if she would even find friends like her at this school. I had no clue how long it would be until Kennedy would get caught cheating. Well, I guessed she was cheating. I hadn't really witnessed it but the girl got good grades and the way she acted didn't really add up.

Both Blair and I followed the large group of students heading to the cafeteria. It wasn't like we had to though we both had already come in contact with that place.

I shook my head as the sound of loud conversations got louder. I guess I was wrong about the kids here being really good. Let's just say some... Words were spoken. Blair giggled from beside me. I gave her a questioning look.

"I was just hoping that this school would be quieter then public school but I guess something's don't change" she laughed as we both walked straight into the room.

My eyes fell on hundreds of kids sitting at round tables enjoying themselves. They smiled. They laughed. They had fun. They enjoyed this place. I hoped I could do the same. I had never been the type to want to fit in but this place made me want to do exactly that. I already knew that whatever this feeling was it wasn't going to be good and most of the time I was right.

My head fell as if right at that moment. I knew why. I didn't want it to happen but I had no self-control. I should just try and lie low.

I followed behind Blair who had ready been off to get food.

"I'm not even hungry," she said the moment I finally caught up to her.

"well eat anyway," I said as I motioned for her to get in front of me on the long line of students waiting for food.

The smell of good food immediately fell over me and at that moment I knew the food just had to be as expensive as the rest if this place.


My eyes have been locked on the food as both Blair and I made our way to a table. The smell. The looks. Everything. Only at that moment, it hit me just how hungry I had actually been. But now that I knew I was going to go to town on my food.

My eyes began to scan the room in hopes of finding a table. From the looks of it, the place needed more tables. My eyes fell over all of the different groups. I started to get more of an understanding of the school.

Until my eyes stopped.

They stopped on a group. Well, a boy. My eyes slowly take in every detail about him. I hadn't known why. He was pretty tall and he had dark brown hair. His eyes were soft. Maybe that was the reason. His smile was stunning. He was perfect. His style was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. Coming from me that meant a lot. I didn't think a lot of people were perfect. Except for myself. But that opinion is pretty biased anyways. I had no clue if I wanted to be him or....something else.

My eyes slowly turned back to Blair in hopes she hadn't caught on to what I was doing. The girl looked totally engrossed in looking for a table. I knew at that moment I had gotten lucky.

I slowly turned back to the boy this time with less confidence. He laughed and talked to his friends as my eyes continued to watch him. I had honestly felt like a stalker but he was cute. I couldn't help myself.

Suddenly the boy turned his head and his eyes met mine. I felt as if my whole world was both falling apart and coming together at the same time. Time began to move slow as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. My thoughts didn't want to go anywhere except for him. I didn't look away I just continued. He had just been way to perfect.

The boy turned his head back as if nothing just happened between us. That was exactly what I didn't want to happen. The boy turned back to his friends and gave a nearby boy with long curly hair the same look I had given him. I had known I had lost him before I even got a chance to have him.

I turned back to Blair who had just found a table.

"perfect timing" I whispered to myself.

"huh?" Blair questioned from in front of me.

"Not you" I responded as I walked behind her with my head low in disappointment. I hoped the kids from this school wouldn't see me. I didn't want anything to do with them right now.

I took a seat at the table with Blair and my gear immediately fell to the table. I regretted staying up all night at camp.

I turned around and my eyes fell on a girl that sat right next to the boy I had thought was perfect. The girl had been angrily eyeing me and immediately looked away the moment I looked at her.

"What did I get myself into"

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