What It Was

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I never really knew my feelings for Marc. I didn't know if I liked him. I don't know if I hated him. I didn't really know anything. But Now? Now I knew nothing was ever going to work between us. We were on different sides. Polar opposites. I could never be with someone who wasn't like me.

It wasn't because of what he said. It was because of what I said. After what I had said he had looked at me with something different. It was a look I knew I never could change. His feelings we're set in stone just by the mention of his sister.

I should have known better.

Now it was too late. There was no going back. There was no changing anything. Everything was set in stone and I wasn't mad about it. If that's how things are supposed to go that's how they'll go. I was fine with that.

I didn't know what it was or what it could've been. I didn't really care. But I did wonder. I did wonder if things were supposed to be good. If I ruined it. If he ruined it. I would never know. He would never know.

I'm a good person and it wasn't my fault that he didn't want to take the time to see that. I was kind of glad. If that was really who he was. Then I really dodged a bullet.

But I didn't like him.

I had no romantic feelings for him at all. That would just be weird. To be he was kind of just there. Love wasn't for me. I had always had people lining up to date me but the thought of it was pretty disgusting. Like dating a girl and getting married only to have twelve children. That definitely wasn't my cup of tea.

But for some people it was different. It didn't happen often but it did happen. Sometimes there were just some people that made me want to give it all up. That never really went anywhere though. But now? Now I was here. I was here totally in shock.

Even if I didn't care about him. His words still somewhat hurt. I never expected it. I never expected someone do beautiful to be that rude. Don't get me wrong though. I fully understood eh he did what he did. Why he said what he said.

He loved George.

Of course, he did. He cared about him so much that it took over. He didn't want anyone to have an opinion on George. George was his and to him, George was better off left alone. I knew that that wasn't true. He wasn't better off getting forgotten about. That's why I chose not to listen to a word out of Marc's mouth.

I was going to figure things out. No matter what. No matter who told me not to. I didn't care one bit. That was just who I was. Once I was set on something there was no forgetting.


After I finally got my hands on some food my mind began to run wild. We didn't have much time. If something was going to happen again It could've been tonight. That was scary. If I was going to figure the truth out I would need to do it quick. Time was wasting even if everyone chose to ignore it.

I turned back and ran my hands through my hair. I was more than stressed. I was confused. Messed up and everything in between. This whole situation was a mess. In fact, everything was a mess.

I massaged my temple as my eyes fell on my sister. Kennedy. She had looked more the distraught and for someone who thinks worrying was for lames she looked quite worried. I knew something was wrong. I had never seen her look so bad. She didn't lie when she said she believed worrying was for lames. That's why the moment I saw get this bad I knew something had been bad.

I turned back to Blair her eyes who had also been locked on Kennedy. Suddenly her faced changed. Her face had morphed into something worse than just worried.

"something bad is happening," said the girl as she quickly ran off. She had tried to be stopped by multiple staff but it seemed like they already knew her reputation. She wasn't going to give in that easy. Our sister was in trouble. That was really so that mattered. We needed to help her.

Right before I took off my mind went somewhere else. Josie. I didn't see her for a while. If something was wrong she really needed to be there. It was her sister. What kind of sister would she be if she wasn't there for her sister? If she wasn't there for any of us.

My eyes scanned over the cafeteria looking for her. Kennedy needed her. But of course, she was nowhere to be found. She was always gone in the worst of times. That should've been her middle name at this point. Her timing was always so bad. But in the end, this wasn't about her. If she didn't want to be there she didn't need to be.

I shook my head as I threw my bookbag over my shoulder.

"running once again," I said as I took off down the hallway. I had never run more then I ran over those two weeks. By the end of the school year, I could've been Usain bolt.

This time the staff didn't even think to try and catch me. There was no stopping me. All I could think about was Kennedy. If she was fine I would kill her but at the same time, that was all I wanted for her.

Things could've been bad. This school was proof of this. Everything had either been go big or go home. George just got murdered. That was all that was needed to put fear in my heart.

Fear for my sister.

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