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I couldn't believe the words that had just came out if her mouth. I knew that she was definitely not adopted. If she was it would make no sense. Why don't they just tell her? Who else was adopted? Maybe even out of some odd circumstance I wasn't even adopted. If she was adopted anything could have been possible.

I mean she didn't really look adopted. Well. Both Josie and Blair looked pretty similar but we never really questioned why Kennedy had dark green eyes or how her hair was dark brown instead of black. Not to mention her face in general. This was all insane.

All I could think about was why? Why couldn't they just tell her when she was young? So she would think twice about it. Now It was too late. Now I had be at her side as she cried about being something I was my whole life. Everything felt so wrong.

Kennedy wasn't the one for this news. Even if she never worried she sure blew things out of proportion when she did. This was bad and she had been making it ten times worst. It seemed like this was a losing situation no matter how it was handled.

But I couldn't believe it that quickly. Things didn't add up. I would be absolutely idiot to take her word dir it without any questions. I knew it had been a bad time to flood the girl with questions but it didn't matter. This was more then serious. This was our parents. Even if she didn't see them like that. I did see them like that.

They wouldn't lie about that. It was so simple. There was no reason to do that. They had lived both happily and comfortably at the time so what was the point of doing that? That's what I needed to find out.

"where dud you hear this from" I sighed as I sat on the bed. This conversation had been enough to make me exhausted. She was doing the most. She could told me straight out what was happening but she just had to do more then necessary. I wasn't very surprised.

"ok so get this. I was on facetime and she was going though we important files to try and find something and then I saw it." she said as her hands were in the air. I sighed as I watched her reenact the event. This girl had really been crazy. "it was a paper it said my name but everything else was wrong. Wrong information. Wrong parents. Wrong everything. I even go a screenshot" she pulled her phone as I braced myself for the truth.

At this point, I didn't really doubt her. Her story sounded one hundred percent possible. Now all I needed was the nail in the coffin. The screenshot.

The moment the girls phone turned to me I knew she was telling nothing but the truth. The proof was right there.

Now we were all left with the questions.

This didn't make any sense. The fact that my younger sister had been adopted this while time didn't change anything but it also didn't stop things from being weird. I never expected it neither did anyone else.

I turned over to Blair who I had almost forgotten had existed. She had been so quiet that their presence seemed to disappear. She looked stunned. I probably looked the same. This information was huge. We needed to be together as a family. Or as siblings. Minus one of course.

Just the thought of Josie triggered me. She should have been here. There was no excuse. She cared about us so much. She made sure she always had our backs during everything but now that the important stuff cane around she was nowhere to be found. If I was Kennedy's place I would have been furious with her. The girl just found out she was adopted and she didn't even have her older sister there to comfort her.

I began to understand why exactly Blair had no longer had any trust for Josie. At the same time, you couldn't really blame her because she didn't know. That didn't stop it from hurting any less though.

I had been deep in thought when I heard the cries of the girl get louder and louder. I wanted to tell her that being adopted wasn't that bad. I wanted to tell her that it really didn't change anything. I wanted to tell her that she would be fine. But I didn't know how it felt. I didn't know how it felt to be lied to by people you trusted with everything. I didn't know what It felt like to be someone you didn't know. She didn't know about her past. She didn't know anything.

Still, I needed to get her focus off of it. If I was in her situation I would just want to forget about it so that exactly what I planned on doing.

"you know it's not that bad being adopted right?" I said. I expected her to respond by saying that wasn't the reason or that she just didn't want the lies.

That wasn't what I got.

"nope I think it is that bad actually," she said with a nod "just cause you're ok with it doesn't mean I'll ever be". I had instantly been taken aback by her rude words. I had expected it from her.

Her little kid was now showing. She needed to grow up. She was lucky that she even got adopted in the first place.

"theres nothing worse then your parents not being your parents" she said as she curled up into a ball.

"is that how you always felt?" I questioned. I had been more then mad now.

I no longer cared about her feeling. We all went through stuff that wasn't a reason for hurting more who cared about you.

The girl did respond to my question but to me that was enough of a response.

School Of The UnsolvedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz