Unfunctional Family Fun // 2

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We quickly closed the door behind us as we all magically squished in. We tried to be as silent as possible now that we were all in one place. If they wanted to kill us they wouldn't need to do much now. All we had was trust. Trust that this kid would help us. Help us so we could help him.

I watched as everybody got a moment to truly understand what was happening around them. Tears fell out of Josie's eyes as she held Wren in her arms. Kennedy had stood there by herself. I could tell just by her face she wanted to be alone. Blair had Dean in her arms. She looked like she was holding onto him for her life. She really loved him. He didn't deserve what he got in life. Marc had stared at the ground and Marceline dud the same. I could tell he was in deep thought.

He was probably thinking about George. I didn't want to think about George. Every time my mind wandered back to what I did with my own hands I felt empty. I felt like I could just go up to my parents and asked for death. A part of me believed that that was true.

I heard a crack and instantly knew that whatever this moment was it was over. It was over and I didn't have to think about all I had done or how much I had already lost. This had just been the beginning of them.

The boy went through the small door on the floor first. It amazed me how much secrets this place had. It felt like every twist and turn was something else. I didn't know what would be next. That was kind of scary. Everything was scary.

I chose to go next. While everybody was having there moments I felt empty and getting out of there seemed like a much better option. I felt bad for not going to my family and crying about how bad things were. I felt like that's how I should've been but to me, there was no point in any of that.

I just needed to get out. I just needed to live. Once I got that far I would cry about everything I went through. I wasn't even sure if I would make it that far. At least I could dream about it.

My feet hit the ground ad I landed in what looked like an underground tunnel or hallway. It was a simple gray tunnel with barely any lights. I could barely see what was at the end of the tunnel. We didn't have much of a choice when it came to going through it though.

I began to hear more feet start to fall as I started to walk farther down the tunnel. All I wanted was to keep my distance from everybody that seemed like the safer option. That was all I wanted. I needed everybody to be safe. I needed all of us to make it.

"We need a plan or something. We can't just run around and pray we make it out alive. That's not going to work." Wren said as we started walking down the dark hall.

"yup but what else can we really do," I said as I continued

"Are you giving up already?" Kennedy asked as if she wasn't the one who was on the same boat I was on just five minutes ago.

I wasn't giving up But I sure was exhausted. Naturally, I needed a lot of sleep so this wasn't really cutting it.

"I'm just saying that the odds are not really in our favor," I said as I began walking faster. I didn't want to deal with any body's opinions or anything. I was calm and I didn't want anything but that at the moment. "look, our parents just practically joined a cult and are now trying to kill us. If that doesn't show how far they'll go then I don't know what does. This situation isn't just a we go here them there and then we get out type of thing. This is different."

"well we could still figure something out" Kennedy added. I signed and didn't reply. I didn't want to bring everybody's hopes down but there was nothing I could really do. This was just how things were. I couldn't change them that was how I felt.

I felt the presence of somebody coming towards me I knew that I would be alone for long. There would always be someone. Somebody that wouldn't leave me alone. The truth was that was all I wanted at this point. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want anything. I just wanted to live and it seemed like I wouldn't be able to do that without somebody right behind me. Not leaving me alone.

"yes" I whispered under my breath as the person hot closer. I didn't plan on seeing who it was nor did I plan on actually having a normal conversation. Or a conversation at all for that matter. I waited in the words. The words asking if I'm ok. Or if something was wrong. I knew that was what was going to happen before it did. It might take a genius to see what was happening.

"you know if somethings wrong you can talk to me," Marc said from behind me.

"yup sure," I said not wanting to spend any more time the necessary in this conversation. I wanted to disagree and tell him all the reasons why but I just didn't have it in me.

"ok well..that's good" said the boy clearly upset that I didn't go crying into his arms. I didn't care though. I knew what I wanted and I knew what I didn't want.

And I definitely didn't want the sound of something scraping against the wall behind me. That was exactly what I got. It seemed like our talking time had come to an end. Now it was life or death.

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