What Goes Around comes Around

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The sound of a ticking clock as the only thing that had filled the air as we sat in the office. It seemed like we were going nowhere at this point. We had been there for more than an hour and now the bordem finally began to quick in. I knew it wouldn't be long until somebody had cracked. I hadn't known who it would be but I did know it had to be soon.

I looked over to the boy I had now known as Marc he was obviously not amused. To me, it still made no sense why he was here all I had known was that he didn't deserve it. Josie's anger had wared off at this point and now she just looked deep in thought. I figured she had been going over the actions that got us into this in the first place.

All I wanted was to leave. My patience had been running thin. I could no longer sit in a chair for this long. I had no clue how everyone else was doing it.

I turned towards Marceline who still looked angry at the problem she had caused. This was all her fault. All I wanted to know was why. There was no point to talk to me like that and if I had no self-control things would have gone very wrong. She was lucky then hadn't. I was exhausted.

All of this had only occurred on one day. One important day. I knew exactly where I was going after this. Now that our classes had been pretty much over we now had freedom. Freedom that I would definitely use to my advantage.

All I could think about was my room. I hoped it looked as expensive as the rest of the place so I could brag about it on social media. My thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of someone picking themselves off of a chair.

"I had nothing to do with this," said Blair as she headed straight towards the door. The woman picked her head up from her work and gave Blair a hard look. I had known she was deciding something. The woman turned her head and looked at all of us still thinking.

"All of you just go," said the woman sternly. I knew she was trying to make herself seem big and bad but the truth was she didn't look like she had one bad bone in her body.

Everyone picked up there stuff as quickly as possible and headed straight to the door. Nobody wanted to waste any more time.

Our group had quickly separated without giving each other a second glance. I knew we had no chance at a future friendship. I was actually kind of ok with that. All this experience made me want to do was stay away from everyone in this school. I figured I would be much better off being like Blair and keeping every little thing to myself.

I followed behind Blair who looked like she had no idea where she really wanted to go. Still, if I was going to go anywhere with anyone it would be her. I turned back and my eyes fell on Josie. I felt a pang in my heart as I saw the look on her face. She watched both of us as we turned from her knowing she could be do anything. I had never seen her really say until now. The look on her face was filled with hurt and desperation. All she wanted was Blair back. All she wanted was for things to be like they used to be and the truth was I wanted the same. 8

She turned away from us and left.

I turned back To Blair who had already been halfway down the hall. I somewhat began to regret that decision. I somewhat felt like Blair never really wanted me there and this was just another example if just that. Still, I followed I knew there was really no other option at this point.

She turned to me and asked, "what's your room?". I quickly picked out the paper from the front pocket of my uniform pants and read " room 221" I knew the room was on the floor we had already been on which was the second floor. So I turned to the door beside me and began reading the number. 182.

"got a long way to go" Blair whispered as we began to walk down the hall and to my room. I wondered why she didn't want to go to her room but at this point, I wasn't complaining. All I wanted was to sleep and Blair was giving me a perfect opportunity to do just that. I ran my head through my hair and began to pick up my pace.

I began to feel the excitement the closer we got to the door. I could now see what was my room and I was more than excited. I was also very nervous. I hoped I didn't have to share a room with a basic boy or Marc or even Marc's "best friend". I wanted someone who I didn't know at all. Someone I would actually get along with.

I turned to Blair as my hand fell on the knob. She smiled and pushed my shoulder as if telling me too just do it.

I pushed the door open and my eyes fell on a gorgeous room and a gorgeous boy. I wish I had more time to appreciate the room but my eyes were locked on the boy. Not because I liked him but because of the look he gave both me and Blair. His blue eyes were wide. He had looked like he saw a ghost.

"Dean?" Blair whispered from behind me her voice was shaky and small. I quickly knew why he had looked at us like that. " I thought you were dead"

She shook her head as she squeezed passed me and tried to get closer to the boy but I knew she had seen what I had. His face quickly changed. I knew he was angry. He gave her the same look she gave Josie.

"I wish I was dead Blair," he said as he turned away from her and continued unpacking his stuff. "but I don't give up on things easily. I'm not like you."

I watched the scene unfold right in front of me. The look on Blairs face was the same on on Josies. I knew she had been hurt. She quickly went past me and headed down the hall. I went to follow but a voice stopped me.

"your better off not trying, I wish I never did," Said the boy.

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