"Look at this," I called.

They both turned around, their eyes widening at the sight of my hair.

"Why the bloody hell did you do that?" Ron asked, walking towards Hermione and I. Harry followed.

"Nice to know how you feel about it, Ronald," I snorted.

"No, it looks nice-"

"Mental breakdown?" Harry asked, eyebrows raised as he felt my hair.

"Shut up, both of you," I said, Hermione laughing hysterically behind me. "I'm growing it back now, let me focus."

I closed my eyes, picturing my hair being its old length. I wasn't too good at controlling my powers, but I knew I could do something easy like this.

I opened my eyes.

"Did it work?" I asked.

"That was brilliant," Ron grinned.

I took that as a yes.


"Wake up, Lily, it's Christmas!"

Before I even had the chance to sit up, I felt a pillow hit my head.

"Ow, Hermione," I groaned. Why did I have to influence her to be crazy?

"There's presents downstairs, Ron and Harry are already down there! Come on!" Hermione exclaimed.

I got up excitedly, and we scurried down the stairs to the common room in our pajamas, holding our gifts for the others in our hands.

"Merry Christmas!" Hermione said.

"Merry Christmas," Harry and Ron replied, as Hermione and I sat on the floor next to Ron and Harry in front of the Christmas tree. We placed our gifts under the tree.

Harry got me a really nice black and white windbreaker, and Ron, like always, got me sweets. Not that I was complaining, I had a serious sweet tooth. Hermione put together the sweetest photo album of Harry, Ron, her and I. The photos moved, and most of them she had gotten from Collin Creavy stalking Harry. Ginny sent me a hoodie of our favorite Quidditch team, the Hollyhead Harpies, through the mail. Mrs. Weasley sent me another sweater in Gryffindor colors, which I put on right away, along with a bunch of homemade sweets.

I had gotten Hermione some Muggle books, fiction ones, since she usually spent her time reading about facts and history, and I thought she would enjoy them. I got Ron candy, cause that's all he really ever asked for, and I got Harry a snitch that had our last name engraved into it, assuming he would probably never stop throwing it up in the air and then catching it. I sent Ginny a really pretty silver bracelet. Even though I was mad at Ava, I still sent her gift along with Ava's.

There were only a few parcels left under the tree. Two were addressed to me from Fred and Ava, but I pushed them to the side, deciding to open them in private. The last two were identical parcels, one with Harry's name on it and the other with mine.

"Open them, the curiosity is killing me," Ron said.

Harry and I both unwrapped them at the same time, and two brooms rolled out onto the floor.

"Oh my god," I mumbled, taking in the sight before me.

I blinked hard, wondering if this was just a dream. It was the Firebolt, the broom that Harry and I spent days in Diagon Alley staring at over the summer. It must have been the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

The handle was polished to the point where it was extremely shiny, and the twigs were all even and perfectly straight. It was practically glowing.

"I don't believe it," Ron gaped, staring between Harry and I's new brooms.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now