fourteen - victory tour

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This chapter is another transition. I needed this one in order to create the next update. Fair warning it's boring but necessary. Thanks for the support!!

 Thanks for the support!!***FOURTEEN: SOLIDIFIED

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July 13, 1984

With only a few odd hours of sleep over the last week, I woke up this morning with a strange feeling. I felt and heard the sound of breathing against my face.

My eyes slowly opened, and I jerked, seeing Zaria hovering over with me, her brown eyes wide open. Then she moved up and showed a wide smile.

"Hi," She said with mild innocence. It made me wonder if she had been in something she wasn't supposed to.

A week on tour and Zaria had for sure made a name for herself with the crew. It was nothing bad as some of the band members mentioned a "funky little lady" trying to boss everyone around.

Of course, because Zee only had sound crew clearance (and not even that) everyone ignored her, but they played along and allowed her to think she was actually doing something.

On the side of her trying to be over the crew, she critiqued me and my brothers as if she knew something about show business.

So far, though it'd only been a week, there had yet to be a dull moment with her around.

She was still staring down at me, her face hovering only inches above mine. I let my eyes speak for me and she looked away then back.

"You still like me, right? That didn't change in a span of a week?"

My eye lids lowered, and I closed my eyes. I was going back to sleep. Zaria thumped my nose make me wiggle it from her little hit. My eyes flashed back open as she slapped my chest lightly.

"Wake up."

We hadn't talked about me liking her or her liking me. Not because I didn't want to, but it was best to start slowly with Zaria. Too much too soon and she'd run for the hills and I didn't want to lose her.

I had lied to her that night about liking her. Two months ago, I liked her. Maybe even a month ago it still leveled at a like, but as time passed I found myself falling for her.

It was a troubling situation because Zaria looked like a deer in headlights when it came to love, so I had to be careful.

I wouldn't admit my love for her until I was completely sure she could handle it. But it was hard not to want to tell her that everything she did got my heart pumping.

Her smile, her laugh, down to the way she'd kiss her teeth when someone said something she didn't like.

I was a sucker. A sucker for this girl who, by the way, was still hovering over my face with intense eyes.

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