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the dedication 👌🏾 that went into making this happen. 
but i thank all of y'all for supporting me thus far yall are the best.



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12:30 PM

We'd only been driving for thirty minutes, but I knew we were somewhere near southern Los Angeles because I remembered seeing the Compton sign some miles back.

"We can't keep driving around forever, Zaria," Nori said in the backseat. "Eventually you're going to have to face Michael and I suggest you do it before he tells hundreds of people that you didn't show up!"

I turned to look at her, seeing her bridesmaid dress and my wedding dress neatly hung in dress coverings, across her lap. I don't know why she was so adamant on bringing it...there was no need.

Yet, every time I looked at Trophy, fully dressed in her lavender sundress with pink and white flowers the more I felt that I should've been heading to the venue and not... wherever we were going.

"We've only been in the car for half an hour," Trophy said from the driver's seat. "She's got plenty of time to get ready... if she wants to go back."

"Don't start," I said, turning back around, putting my face in my hands.

Nori ignored me and for the first time since we'd been friends, I'd never heard her so irritated or through with someone. "You know what Trophy you're not getting married. Zaria is. Her wedding is in three hours, and she has half-dried hair and no makeup on. The last thing she has is time!"

"Why are you so dead-set on her getting married?"

"Why are you so dead-set on her not?"

I was too confused, and had a pounding headache, to continue playing referee between the two of them so I let them go at it as I sulked down in the front seat, leaning my head against the window.

"Listen," Nori leaned forward in her seat and I felt her hand gripping my shoulder. "I have a cousin that lives off of Rosecrans Avenue. She's does hair and makeup and she can do it in a flash."

I felt my stomach churn so fast that I was sitting up in the seat and tapping my hand on the dashboard. "Take the exit," I slapped on it a little harder, "now Trophy. This one!"

She was in the middle lane so her moving two lanes to the right, at a fast speed, pissed a couple of people off as we all heard the loud sounds of the car horns.

She went flying down the ramp, slamming the brake to slow down her speed as I instructed her. "Pull over, now, here. I feel like I'm going to be sick."

You're Not My Kind Of Girl | ZARIAWhere stories live. Discover now