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January 31, 1984

Bill was in the chair placed in the corner of the room while I flipped through Zaria's book while she was out of the room. From what I'd noticed she had a decent reading selection, but I was starting to believe the girl might've had some underlying problems. Nothing serious but she just acted... weird. She talked fast, in circles almost, and she spoke like an advocator even if it was just a regular conversation. With authority as if she had to convince whomever she was talking to to understand and support her opinion.

"What is it with this one Joker?" Bill asked dryly, bringing the newspaper down so his eyes were the only thing visible between the gray paper he was reading and the black hat that resided permanently on his head.

Clueless I asked, "huh?"

"I'd think that with everything that happened, and what's going on, that the last thing you'd want to do is be around a fan all day."

I huffed. "Zaria is hardly a fan..." I paused, looked down at the book, then back up to Bill. "You think she's a fan?"

Bill laughed a deep laugh and shook his head.

"What woman at this time isn't a fan? She just might be playing it cool. I don't think she would've returned if she wasn't a fan."

"Maybe her mom is making her do it? She didn't seem to thrilled when she came in yesterday or today."

"It's Tuesday. She's a teenager. You're a megastar." Bill's hand waved it off. "She's just covering it up. Though Joker, you still didn't answer the question as to why you want her here."

"She's funny," I smiled, playing with the book in my hand. "A character if you will."

Bill nodded in agreement. "Oh she's a character all right."

"Bill!" I scolded, laughing.

"Just sayin'," he looked at me and I bit down on my lip. "How are you holding up?"

I sighed and shrugged. "I just can't seem to win Bill. With the vitiligo, the pressure for the Victory Tour, and now this... I just need a second to breathe Bill. Just a second."

"You can say no to the tour Michael." Bill said as if I needed reminding, which I didn't, because I told myself that everyday when someone brought it up to me.

But it'd been three years since the last tour with my brothers and not only had their immediate families expanded, but they needed the money. I just didn't know if another tour with my brothers was what I truly wanted. Part of me missed and yearned to recreate the memories that we'd had traveling together, but times had changed and so did they. So did I.

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