Dance Dance Revolution (Chapter 15 Volume 2)

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Hey ya'll, Carter here. I'm starting to see a little decline in my reads, so I apologize for being slower than expected when it comes to updating. I know that I use my exams as an excuse, but its also some issues that are revolving around my personal life. No need to worry though, I'll try and update as many chapters as possible with the free time that I have.

Anyways, without further ado, let's get into it.


It was the day of the dance. The day where students will relax and have as much fun as possible, free from classwork and stress.

"The tie goes here... the belt goes there... and... there we go!"

 You were getting dressed in front of a mirror in your room. You tighten your bowtie, put your blazer on, and strapped your belt around. Fixing your hair with gel and loosening your sleeves, you looked back at the mirror and smiled.

"Hey, I don't look so bad! Although this does feel a 'lil weird to wear..."

Checking the front and back, trying to see if anything was amiss, you were glad to know that nothing seemed wrong. Getting out of the bathroom, you walked over to your sleeping bag and grabbed your scroll. You then walked over to the desk and grabbed the room key since your teammates have already went downstairs.

"Right, now to Grace."

Walking out of the room and locking your door, you turned and walked towards the exchange student's dorms.

When you arrived, you went over to the Atlas section and searched for Grace's team's room. Scanning the doors one by one, reading the team names in front of them all, you stopped at a room called Team FRZE, which was Grace's team.

Knocking on the door, you waited until the door opens up to reveal the leader of Grace's team.

"Oh! You must be Y/N, yes?"

She was as tall as you, her gaze staring you up and down. She had emerald green eyes, cotton pink hair, posing a lean yet fit figure.

"Yeah, that's me. Is Grace there?"

She smirks and turns around, a woo of awws and squeals echoing inside.

"Grace, your partner is here!~"

"Slay queen, slay!"

Eventually, Grace shows herself at the door and smiles at you.

And, needless to say, she was stunning. Breathtaking.


Nervously, you smiled back and offered your hand out. And, with a bow, she takes it and steps out.

Grace: Hey, king.

Y/N: H-Hey, q-queen...

She giggles and pecks your cheek.

Grace: You look amazing.

Y/N: Y-You too.

Grace: I know I do. Now c'mon, let's go.

She then turns around and waves at her team.

Grace: Later, bitches!

They all squealed and waved back, and with a  chuckle, she pulls you ahead.

The Son of The Prodigy (RWBY x OC/Male Reader) (Arc 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu