Welcome to Beacon! (Chapter 2 Volume 1)

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"Yang, just stay still, alright?"

"Uh... okay."

Slowly, you bent down to Yang's shoe and wiped the puke away from it. Yang looked relieved, but you felt the opposite, due to how much puke was thrown onto your pajamas. You would think that it would be the last thing to be dirty on your first day at Beacon.

As you throw the tissue away to a nearby trashcan, you soon realized that the bullhead was landing. You hurried to the front door of the ship, and as it opens up, you noticed the blonde hair boy, or as Ruby calls him "Vomit Boy", finally throw his lunch at the trashcan. Once the boy finished throwing his lunch, you tried and initiate a conversation with him.

Y/N: Hey, motion sickness is a pain in the butt, huh?


You then laughed a bit to lighten up the mood. You then noticed Yang and Ruby walk off the ramp.

Ruby: Hey Y/N, let's get going! Beacon awaits!

Y/N: A-Actually Ruby, I would like to help this poor lad. You go on first, I'll catch you later!

Ruby: Aww, alright then. Guess I'll see ya later!

Ruby then gestures Yang to keep going, leaving your focus on Vomit Boy. You passed him a spare water bottle, to which he drinks quickly.

Y/N: Ya feel better?

Vomit Boy: Yup, thanks! The name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it.

Y/N: I'm sure they do. My name is Y/N. But, for the sake of things, I'll call you Vomit Boy for a while.

Jaune: Hey, quiet you! (Mumbling) Lucky you that you don't suffer motion sickness...

Y/N: Heh, too bad. C'mon, let's get going.

Jaune: Oh... R-right.

You turned around, but you felt Jaune let out a nervous whimper.

Jaune: Uhh- that seems like a long road. Are you sure this is the way?

Y/N: Don't worry Jaune, I've been here before. It doesn't feel that long once you take your mind off the long walk ahead.

As you and Jaune walked along, you found out that Jaune has trouble in conversations. Oddly enough, you were also socially awkward.

Y/N: Hey Jaune, are you also socially awkward with people?

Jaune: Huh? Y-Yeah, you can say that. How did you know?

Y/N: Heh, figures. You stutter a lot.

Jaune: It's that obvious? Aww man...

You then let out a soft chuckle.

Y/N: Believe it or not, I'm also socially awkward as well. It's just that I feel comfortable once a person and I start talking about something I like.

Jaune: Wow, thats how you counteract it? Cool.

Jaune then gets lost in thought and looked upset, so you tried to change the subject.

Y/N: Hey Jaune?

You snapped Jaune back to reality.

Jaune: Uh- Yeah?

Y/N: Can I see your weapon?

Jaune: O-Oh, sure!

He then whips out a sword and shield, the patterns on the weapons all too similar. 

The Son of The Prodigy (RWBY x OC/Male Reader) (Arc 1)Where stories live. Discover now