Pasts (Chapter 6 Volume 2)

1.6K 37 73

Re-Edited: 13/08/2020.

Hey yall, Carter here. Once again, I just want to thank yall for 6K reads! I swore that we just hit 5K the other day, and damn am I happy to be back to writing. Without a further ado, let's get into it.

(A/N: Now 7K! Unbelievable!)

WARNING: This chapter consists of abuse and violence, and I advise younger readers to not read a certain section of this chapter. I will give a warning later.


"Woah... So, this is something..."


"Hehe, this'll make a good background picture. But, what's she doing in his tent?"

Another click sounds, and this one was the noise that finally woke you up from your slumber.

"Uh oh... He's waking up!"

The intruder in your tent then turns to leave, but unfortunate for them, they trip on the blanket wrapped around you and Grace.

"Oh shoot!"

As they tumble down, you jolt awake and looked from your sheets. There, you noticed the face of the intruder, and it was none other than...

Y/N: H-Heath...? What are you...?

Heath: Umm.. Erm...

He quickly stands up and rubs the back of his neck.

Heath: H-Hi! Fine morning we have today, ain't it?

Y/N: (Yawn) Yeah... I-It's morning already...?

Heath: Umm... Y-Yeah! Sun's out and I got my guns out!

Y/N: But... you don't have a gun...

Heath: Right. She does, though.

He points at your right, and as you looked over, your eyes widen at the sight of Grace laid beside you.

Y/N: What the!?

Heath: Heehee! I never knew that you and Grace were a thing, Y/N!

Y/N: W-W-We're not...! I can e-explain!

Heath: Sureeee~! Ta-taaa~!

He then scurries out of the tent, leaving you dumbfounded and flabbergasted.

Y/N: W-What... just happened...?

You then glanced over at the sleeping Grace beside you. The memories of last night had flooded in, and now fully awake, you slowly got out of the blanket sheets and stood up. You then looked at the time, it read 8:55 AM. 

So, with 5 minutes to spare, you decided to wake Grace up. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, and when her eyes locked onto yours, she jumps up and looks at you shocked.

Grace: Y/N!? W-What are you doing here!?

Y/N: H-Huh?

Grace: W-Were you spying on me!? Pervert! Imbecile!

She then leans down and throws her pillow at you, knocking you down to the ground.

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