Class Time (Chapter 6 Volume 1)

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"Apollo, wake up!"

 "C'mon, wake up!"

The voice repeats itself over and over in your mind, and soon enough, you open your eyes.

When you did though, you found yourself in... an odd place.

Y/N: Wha... W-Where am I now...?

You wake up in what seems to be a desert, but you didn't feel any heat. In front of you were sand dunes, the hills looping up and down like a wave. Yet, something about the dunes compelled you to walk towards it, so you did so. 

Once you got to the top of the sand dune, there was a man standing there,  his back turned against you.

Y/N: H-Hello? 

The man turns around, but as he does, you notice that he doesn't have a face. 

Faceless Man: Ah, the boy has finally arrived. Welcome.

The man's voice sounded ancient, but his body structure was of a normal man. 

Y/N: Excuse me sir... but do you know where I am?

Faceless Man: What do you think?

You knew that this was just another dream, but it felt weird saying it aloud.

Y/N: R-right... 

The man starts circling around you.

Man: Tell me boy, how much of your memory have you remembered from your past?

Y/N: What does that matter to you? Also, how did you know about my amnesia anyway?

Man: Hmhmhmhm... I have my ways. 

Y/N: A-Anyways, who are you?

Man: Who am I...? I am a man, with no name, yet with a purpose. 

Y/N: Umm... What?

Man: Boy... Remembering your past memories... It shall prove useful to you in the future. Continue this path, and you shall see its fruits. Goodbye...

The man then disappears into nothing. Looking around confused, the desert under you then starts to shift around. Soon, the desert disappears, and you fell into the black abyss.



Waking up with a start, you found yourself back in your room.

Y/N: What...was that?

Shaking your thoughts out of your head, you looked at the time. It was currently 6 AM.

Y/N: Huh, I'm up early. Classes start at 9... mind as well train for a bit before heading off.

Silently, you grabbed Slice, put on your shoes, and went out the door. 

As you passed through the hallways of the buildings, you prepared your targets in your pockets. Once you arrived at the courtyard, you stuck the targets on the trees and primed your bow from your sword. 

Remembering how you missed the Deathstalker and the Nevermore with your shots disgruntles you, so you were planning to train seriously. Nocking an arrow, you took off a running start and fired an arrow off-balanced.

The Son of The Prodigy (RWBY x OC/Male Reader) (Arc 1)Where stories live. Discover now