Breaking the [We]-ice (Chapter 7 Volume 1)

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Turning the corner, you saw the white-haired heiress standing by her lonesome.

Y/N: Weiss!

Weiss turns around and glares at you two.

Weiss: What?

Ruby: What's wrong with you!? Why are you being-

Weiss: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with YOU!?

Y/N: Calm down, both of you. We shouldn't be arguing as teammates.

Weiss: Teammates? Teammates!? You dare refer to me as a "teammate"?

Y/N: W-What...?

Weiss: I'm supposed to be the leader! Not her!

Ruby: W-Weiss?

Weiss: I'm better than her, smarter, and more responsible than her. She has done NOTHING to earn her position.

Y/N: Weiss, you need to stop right there. Listen to yourself!

Weiss: I know what I said!

Y/N: I admit, you are indeed smarter than her and a much better fighter, but that attitude is the reason why Ozpin didn't pick you!

Weiss: You didn't know what it was like to be with her! Back in the forest, she acted like a child and has only continued to do so.

Y/N: Give her a break! She's 15, just like me!

Weiss: And that precisely leads to my next point. I don't know how she bribed Ozpin into letting her in this prestigious academy! Her age is 2 years younger than the legal age!

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about working together as a team? I thought you believed in acting as a team."

Weiss: Not a team, led by you. I've studied, and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better. 

She turns around and walks away.

Weiss: Ozpin made a mistake.

"Mistake...? Mistake...!?"

A red glow shimmers around yourself subconsciously. With anger flaring in your eyes, you walked forward and grabbed Weiss by the shoulder.

Y/N: Ozpin made NO mistake!

Weiss then turns around and looks at you.

Weiss: My point still stands. Your opinion is irrelevant.

Y/N: Again, listen to yourself! Is that how leaders should talk? 

Weiss looks at you stunned.

Y/N: Leaders are supposed to be people that encourage others. Leaders are people who make others better! Your words, your actions, they dignify nothing of a leader! 

Weiss: Who are you to talk to me like that? You know nothing of the amount of work I put into this!

Y/N: Maybe I don't, but if you keep going down this road, it WILL backfire on you. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Weiss: Hmph! I'm nothing like the villagers back at your place, peasant!

Y/N: P-Peasant...? H-How did you know!?

Weiss: You don't think I researched? According to my data, you came from a small village in Mistral. And, just like her, you managed to bribe yourself into this academy. 

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