the one where sehun finds out

Start from the beginning

But as he had already figured out, Taemin was different than any of his other relationships. And maybe Jongin did kind of love Taemin.

Jongin was praying. Yes it was a kind of new thing for him. Not that he didn't believe in God, he just had never really been the praying type exactly.

But for this occurence, praying seemed to be the right thing to do.

But as Jongin sat at the award show, he wasn't praying for EXO to win something - even though they were nominated for the award that was about to be announced. No he was praying for their competition to win.

He was praying and hoping for Shinee to beat his own group.

The irony was definitely evident to Jongin, but he desperately wanted to see Taemin win the award. Even more than he wanted to win it himself.

Because Shinee deserved it - not that EXO didn't. But there was also a part of him that hoped that if Shinee won the award, maybe it would somehow change Taemin's mind about moving out of the dorm.

Yes, Jongin was still slightly disapproving of the idea of Taemin moving out of the dorm. But he wasn't about to tell Taemin that. Hell, Taemin hadn't even brought up the idea to his bandmates yet.

But here Jongin was, hoping winning an award would change Taemin's mind. He knew his hope had about a snowball's chance in hell. But he was still hoping and praying that it would turn out to be the case.

To top all this off, tonight was his first time getting to see Taemin since Shinee went off on their tour - and up until now he's had to act all normal best friends with Taemin because of the fact that they've only seen each other in front of a ton of other people and cameras.

"And the winner is... Shinee!"

Jongin was one of the first people up out of his seat amongst EXO's little sitting area. The rest of his bandmates were up right after he was, and as a group they walked over to congratulate Shinee.

Shinee quickly had to walk up on the stage as a group to accept the award and give acceptance speeches - which were filled with happy tears and thank you's.

After a few moments they were allowed to go up onto the stage with Shinee. Jongin had been planning on seeking out Taemin as soon as he got onto the stage, but Jonghyun grabbed him into a hug as soon as he reached him.

Jjong turned his head toward Jongin's, "Thank you Jongin." Jonghyun said, hugging him only tighter. "Thank you for being there for Taemin."

Jongin nodded, "You don't have to thank me."

"Go celebrate with him." Jonghyun said before releasing Jongin from the hug.

Jongin smiled and walked toward the back of the stage, the emotions from watching Shinee win finally winning over. After a few seconds, Jongin looked up to find Taemin rushing over to him. They grabbed each other into a tight hug, their heads pressed tightly into each others shoulders - tears flowing freely on both of their parts.

"You won, Taem." Jongin said, quietly. He took the risk and pressed a quick kiss to the side of Taemin's neck while they were hugging.

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