Chapter XXVIII

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Light shining through the window slanted across Jellal's face and slowly brought him back to consciousness.

He opened his eyes progressively, blinking against the sunlight for a moment before his eyes were used to it. He let out a yawn, his body arching up in a stretch before he settled down again.

The extra comfort under his back confused him for a moment before yesterday's events caught up to him, and he smiled.

After the train had arrived in Magnolia yesterday night, all Fairy Tail members, including Jellal and Meredy, made their way towards the guildhall. As soon as they entered, Master Makarov wasted no time in giving Lucy, Wendy, and Carla, their guild marks back, prompting cheers from the rest of the guild.

Makarov had then turned to Jellal and Meredy before asking where they'd like their guild marks and in what color. After getting over their initial surprise, Meredy insisted on having it on her left hand in dark purple while Jellal asked for it to be on his right arm in gold.

(They didn't tell anyone that the colors were supposed to represent Ultear and Lucy.)

Soon after that, everyone went home. Since Jellal and Meredy didn't have a place of residence yet, Lucy invited them to stay with her at her place. Wendy and Carla tagged along with them as well since it felt strange to them to be apart from each other after spending two months in close quarters.

Jellal was brought out of his musings by someone shifting next to him, and his smile widened. He turned his head to see Lucy lying next to him, asleep with her face tilted in his direction.

He leaned over and pressed a brief kiss against her forehead before he got up and made his way towards the bathroom, pausing briefly to smirk at Meredy, Wendy, and Carla in her exceed form, all curled up on the couch together.

After stepping into the bathroom, Jellal quickly stripped down before he got into the shower, temporarily marveling at having warm running water instead of cold waterfalls and small ponds to wash up in.

He wasn't in there long, but when he finally stepped out, he felt calm in a way he hadn't known in a long while. After wrapping a towel around his waist, he stepped out and made his way back towards Lucy's room.

Lucy was up, rummaging around in her dresser, still dressed in her pajamas. She turned around when he walked further into the room and smiled up at him. "Hey," she said as her arms came up to wrap around his neck.

"Hey yourself," he responded as his hands settled on her waist. She smiled and leaned up to give him a kiss that he wholeheartedly reciprocated. She leaned back after a moment with a sigh. "You need to put some clothes on."

Jellal smirked down at her. "See something you like?"

"Is that a trick question?"

Jellal laughed before he released her, stepping back slightly.

Lucy grinned at him mischievously before she dumped clothes into his arms. "Here, put these on."

Jellal raised a brow at her. "Why do you have clothes for men here if you live by yourself?"

The blonde blushed slightly. "When Team Natsu gathers at my place, Gray always leaves some clothes behind. I put them away and try to remember to give them back, but I always forget."


Lucy smiled and shoved at his chest playfully, trying very hard not to think about the hard muscles she felt beneath her hand. "I'll leave you to it."

"If you insist," Jellal said wickedly, laughing out loud when a bright blush flared on her face.

Lucy left the room, shutting the door as she did, and made her way towards the bathroom to indulge herself in a hot bath. She didn't spend too long in there, eager to leave and head towards the guild. When she finally got out, she summoned Virgo to hand her some clothes before she stepped back out into the living room, toweling off her hair.

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