Chapter XXIV

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The group of six (plus Happy on Natsu's shoulder) hurriedly descended towards the the dungeons, expressions of concentration and determination on their faces. Wendy, Carla, and Meredy were all determined to protect everyone, seeing as they were the only ones with the ability to use their magic.

Soon enough, they all arrived in the dungeon area. It was one long hallway with cells on each side of it. The first couple cells they came across were empty and devoid of any human habitation. However, after five minutes of searching, they finally came across something that made them both scowl and smile.

It was a cell that contained four people that were familiar to them. Three men and one petite young woman. All four of them were chained to the wall inside the cell.

The three men were either asleep or unconscious, but the woman was still awake. She didn't notice the six people (plus Happy who is still on Natsu's shoulder) approaching the cell door.

Wendy reached the cell first and gripped the bars. "Levy-san!"

Levy looked up at the sound of her name and shocked colored her expression when she saw the person who called out to her. "Wendy?" she said in shock. She then took in the rest of the people behind her. "Wait, what's going on?"

"We're going to bust you and everyone else out of here," Wendy said as she backed away.

Levy tried to move towards them, but forgot about the chains keeping her against the wall. "Ow!" she said as the chains pulled at her ankles.

"Hang in there Levy-san, we'll get you out," Wendy said. She turned to her best friend. "Let's do it Carla."

Levy looked over at the young white-haired girl in surprise. "Carla?"

"We'll explain everything once we get you and everyone else out of here," a pink-haired girl Levy recognized as Meredy stated.

Wendy and the white-haired girl - Carla, Levy reminded herself - suddenly kicked the door where the lock was and the door banged open, a gust flowing through the cell as it did.

The sudden gust of wind woke the other occupants of the cell. "Ugh, what?" Jet groaned out. Droy blinked rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

The other man, however, stared at the newcomers in shock. "What in the name of Zeref is going on?" Gajeel snapped. "And who is that?" He nodded his head at Carla.

She rolled her eyes. "It's starting to get really annoying whenever someone doesn't recognize me," she said disdainfully.

Gajeel's eyes widened. He knew that voice...and now that he was focusing, her scent was familiar


"Yes," she said impatiently. "Now let's save the questions for later, or would you rather remained encased in shackles?"

By this time Jet and Droy were lucid enough to realize what was happening, but that didn't stop them from gawking at the newcomers in surprise. 

Wendy approached Levy, raising one of her hands as she went. "Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang!"

She slashed at the chains holding her arms and ankles back, releasing her. Levy sighed as she rubbed at her wrists and smiled at the young girl. "Arigatō Wendy," she said gratefully.

Erza came in to steady and walk her out of the cell. "Where are we going?" she asked. "We can't exactly just walk people out of the castle and then come back in."

"There's a large room at the end of this hallway," Natsu spoke up. "The air current is flowing strongly that way. The room seems to be as big as the room the party the King threw for us was in all those months ago."

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