Poll #3

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't a new chapter but I need your opinion on something, and since I like satisfying your opinions more than my own, I'm doing another poll.

First of all, raise your hands if you love Yukino!

I know I do!

I'm having trouble figuring out who I should put her with, Sting or Rogue.

I love BOTH of my Twin Dragons and I've seen many fanfictions where she's with either one of them.

So, I'll let you decide. Should Yukino end up with:

1.) Sting


2.) Rogue

There's also Gray. Now that I've paired Juvia off with Lyon he's now a free agent. Do you guys want me to:

1.) Keep him single


2.) Pair him with someone of my choosing

And finally, there's Lasagna (oops, I meant Lisanna. Stupid autocorrect). Do you guys want me to:

1.) Keep her single

2.) Pair her with Natsu


3.) Pair her with Freed

The choices are yours my beloved Nakama!

Choose wisely Minna!

Sayōnara! 😘

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