Chapter XIII

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When Carla woke up, the sun was just over the horizon, its light falling through the leaves of the trees high above her.

In her exceed form, she was still laying up against Wendy, who's heartbeat she could hear since her ear was pressed against her chest.

She sat up slowly as to not wake Wendy and looked around.

Meredy was still sleeping peacefully in her spot a couple feet away, her a facing containing a serene look that has become a normality while she sleeps nowadays.

But she also noticed that Lucy and Jellal were nowhere to be seen.

Where could they have possibly gone? Did they go somewhere together, or did one of them get up first and was then followed by the other? I should see where they've gone off to, just to see if everything is okay. I know full well that they can take care of themselves, but Lucy was injured yesterday. I'm just going to make sure.

Getting up, she quickly transformed into her human form. This technique was almost perfected to the point where all Carla had to do was think of her human form and her magic took care of the rest. Now, she's trying to incorporate her aerial magic while she's transformed as well.

Now, where would they go? I know they couldn't possibly have gone back to town because of Jellal still being a sort-of criminal. Maybe the cliff edge where we found them before?

Glancing at the girls to make sure they're still sleeping, Carla made her way towards the cliff where Lucy was injured.

She shivered at the memory. She had already seen her lose blood, so much that she died. Even if it was the future of her, like Happy said, Lucy was Lucy. Carla had gotten nightmares and woken up in a cold sweat for a few nights after the incident. She had hoped to never see Lucy in a situation like that again.

Carla knew that Wendy had downplayed Lucy's true injuries. She doesn't know if Meredy has caught on but she knew for sure that Jellal didn't. He was too worried about her.

The amount of blood Lucy lost should have put her in a coma. Wendy must've known that, so she just fixed her up and told them that she'll be okay.

Carla was brought out of her musings by the sound of a girl singing. It was faint, but distinctive.

"I see your monsters, I see your pain
Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away
I'll be your lighthouse, I'll make it okay
When I see your monsters, I'll stand there
so brave
And chase them all away."

That sounded like Lucy's voice! That must mean her and Jellal are indeed in this direction.

Quickening her pace, she made her way towards where she thought she heard Lucy's voice. Which was indeed where the cliff was.

Finally arriving, she stepped past the trees and into the clearing silently.

And then she froze.

She found Lucy.

She found Jellal.

And they were close to one another.

But not just close.

They were kissing.

Not how Bisca and Alzack did when Carla stumbled upon them once accidentally....

But there were definitely lips touching and face touching and hair touching.

They didn't notice her yet so Carla took this time to back away slowly into the trees.

Activating her aerial magic while still transformed as a human, she made like a bat out of hell back towards the campsite. All the while uncharacteristically grinning like her cousin, the Cheshire Cat. 

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