Chapter XXII

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Silence was met with Lucy's question.

Everyone in the building, besides Wendy and Carla that is, was staring at her in shock and awe.

After a moment, Happy broke the quiet. "LUCY!"

He tried to fly to her but forgot about the runes on his body that blocked his magic. So, he ended up doing a painful bellyflop onto the floor.


His startled shout broke the tension in the air. Lucy laughed before moving forward to scoop Happy up from the floor and into a hug.

"Hey Happy," she muttered with a smile on her face. Happy merely buried his face into her neck, elation feeling his body up like air fills up a balloon.

"I'm so glad you're here Lucy," he said after removing his face, "everything's a total mess now!"

"I know," she said as Happy moved to sit on her shoulder. "We need to get you guys out of here."

Everyone was still staring at her in slight shock. However, after seeing the reunion between Lucy and Happy, Gray couldn't hold himself back anymore.

This was his sister damnit! Blood relation or not!

He got up on shaky legs and stumbled over to where she was standing.

Kūso, these runes really work.

Before Lucy could ask what he was doing, Gray wrapped her up in a tight hug, his face buried in her hair.

He felt the sting of tears enter his eyes but he refused to let them fall.

Lucy was here and was safe. That's no reason to cry.

"Don't do that to me again imōuto," Gray whispered to her fiercely.

Lucy's eyes widened at the endearment but she returned his hug, a smile lighting up her face. "Sorry to worry you nii-san."

In response, Gray just tightened his hug.

Happy, who was still sitting on Lucy's shoulder, smiled at the tender scene.

Gray tried to hide it, but he was worried about Lucy these last two months. He must be really happy to see her again.

Lucy was the first to pull back. "We need to get you guys out of here."

Gray stared at her in confusion but it was Erza who voiced the question. "Why? Do you know what's going on here? Do you know why they were trying to arrest us?"

"We'll explain as soon as we get out of here," Lucy said.

"C'mon," Wendy spoke up. "We can go out the back."

"You guys go ahead," Lucy said while staring at the unconscious rune knight in the guild. "I'll catch up."

"But–" Natsu spoke up for the first time only to be cut off my Carla.

"We don't have time," she said as she helped him stand. "We need to go before more of them show up."

Natsu obviously wanted to continue arguing, but one surprisingly icy glare from Carla shut him up.

"Fine," he sulked as Carla led him towards the back.

Happy hopped off Lucy's shoulder and onto Gray's shoulder as Wendy walked over to help Gray walk steadily.

Erza helped herself and Lisanna to their feet and followed Carla and Natsu to the back with Wendy and Gray bringing up the rear.

Lucy walked over to the unconscious man, pulling out a key as she went.

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