Chapter IV

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"Jellal? Meredy?"

Lucy's voice, tinged in surprise, rang out across the clearing. For a few moments, nobody moved and nobody said anything.

Then, "Wendy-san, Lucy-san? What are you guys doing here?" Jellal asked them.

"Does he not see me sitting atop your shoulder?" Carla grumbled quietly.

Before anyone else good say anything though, Meredy hurried up to Wendy and enveloped her–and Carla–in a hug. "It's so good to see you guys," she said happily as she let them go. She moved over to Lucy and gave her a hug as well. Lucy seemed a little surprised at the sudden act of affection but returned it nonetheless.

"Hello Meredy-san and Jellal-san," Wendy said with a small smile. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, I asked first," Jellal said with a wry smile, "but I'll answer anyways. We were sticking around Crocus to see if there was any residual problems from the eclipse gate."

Meredy spoke up. "Also, we wanted to make sure that there were no problems with the royal family."

Wendy cocked her head in confusion. "Why would there be problems?"

"It's a serious offense to meddle in the affairs of black magic," Jellal said, "and even if they are the royal family they could be arrested by the magic council and prosecuted."

Carla frowned. "If that's the case, how come they haven't been arrested then?" she asked.

"Apparently upon realizing this, Doranbolt alternated their memories to prevent a massive dispute," Jellal said. "Without the royal family, the kingdom would fall into disarray. Even though they were responsible for the eclipse gate, it was done with good intentions."

Lucy nodded, understanding shown clearly in her eyes. "That makes sense." She then looked around, as if she was looking for something. "Hey, where's Ultear?"

At the mention of her name, the two ex-con mages' posture sagged as if they were under a massive weight. Noticing the way they reacted, Lucy put two and two together. "No...," she trailed off, realization flashing in her eyes.

Glancing at Meredy, she noticed that the pinkette looked close to tears. Moving quickly, Lucy enveloped the girl in a hug just as she burst into tears. Jellal watched them with an ache of loss in his chest. Ultear was like the sister he never had, and having grown up with hardly anyone she was a really important part of his life. She helped him find a way for him to atone for his sins, and actually found ways for him to smile. And now, she was gone.

I wonder Ultear, are you free of the pain and guilt wherever you are? Are you finding peace with your mother, like you've always wanted?

Jellal was pulled out of his thoughts by the sight of Wendy walking up to him. However, his attention was drawn to her exceed partner that was sitting on her shoulder. The white-furred cat looked troubled.

"What is it Carla-san?" he asked as they moved to stand in front of him.

"Well first off, no need with the formalities. Just Carla is fine and I'm sure Wendy and Lucy are the same," she said and Jellal couldn't help the small smile that graced his lips as he nodded. The way she talks coupled with the fact that she obviously mothers Wendy conjures up the illusion of a miniature mom.

"But back to what I was originally saying," Carla said quietly, "if you don't mind my asking, what exactly happened to Ultear?"

Jellal sighed. "We believe she cast a spell called 'Last Ages'," he said grimly. "It allows the person who casts it to rewind time, but at the caster's time."

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