Chapter XVIII

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Juvia exited the guild with a smile on her face.

It's been a while since the guild has been like that.

When Juvia had first joined Fairy Tail, some of their members would sometimes burst out singing or just hum a song under their breath.

Naturally, after being in the Phantom Lord Guild, that kind of cheerful atmosphere confused her greatly, especially the singing.

When she questioned Mirajane about it, the white haired mage said that Lucy had inspired the singing.

Apparently, Lucy's mom always sang songs to her when she was a child, and to feel closer to her departed mother, she always tried to sing or hum something.

Her guild mates caught on to what she was doing and soon enough, many of them started singing or humming songs whenever they felt happy or even sad.

Juvia had thought that it was a great and wonderful idea and immediately went along with it.

After all this time, she still always found ways to hum a song under her breath.

The sound of footsteps walking towards her snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up and was surprised to see that it was Lyon.

"Lyon?" Juvia questioned in confusion. "What is Lyon doing in Magnolia?"

Lyon chuckled slightly.

She is so cute when she speaks in third person.

"Well, I just finished up a mission and since Fairy Tail was close by, I thought I'd come and visit you," he explained.

Juvia couldn't hold back her blush no matter how hard she tried. She quickly averted her eyes to the ground, unable to look at him in her embarrassment.

Lyon, however, thought it to be adorable.

Yareyare, it seems that I was able to get a reaction from her. Quite contrary to how it used to be. Maybe she's warming up to me?

"So, what were you doing just now?" he questioned. "You seemed to be in a happy mood."

"Hai, Juvia is," she answered with a firm nod. "Juvia and her nakama just finished singing."

Lyon raised an eyebrow, half in confusion and half in disbelief. "I'm sorry," he said slowly, "did you say you and the members of Fairy Tail were singing?"

Juvia giggled before nodding her head in affirmation. "Hai, Juvia did," she confirmed, still not in complete control of her giggles at the expression on Lyon's face.

Unbidden, an image of Gray belting out an opera song on a stage with a spotlight trained on him flashed in Lyon's mind and he couldn't stop the snort that left his mouth.

"If I may ask," Lyon said in an attempt to rid his mind of that frightful image, "why were you guys singing?"

"Oh," Juvia replied. "Well, it is a long story, would Lyon like to walk with Juvia so she could explain it?"

Lyon grinned at her and gestured with his arm for her to walk with him. "Of course," he answered her. "After you."

Juvia smiled brightly and began walking next to him, chattering happily.

Lyon smiled. He loved hearing her voice talk about anything really. In his eyes, she was like an angel.

It took a while but Juvia finally finished explaining their reasoning. When she actually got around to looking at where they ended up, she let out a gasp.

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