Chapter VIII

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Lucy examined her golden celestial keys. She was trying to figure out which spirit she should try a Star Dress for.

Hmm lets see...Capricorn himself is exceptional in hand-to-hand combat so the Star Dress for his power will amplify the users ability to do use it, whether it's beginner or expert in the skill. So I'm guessing that whichever spirits' Star Dress I wear, it'll let me utilize their magic in my own way. So, let's see what magic they use. Like before, I said Capricorn uses hand-to-hand combat. Taurus uses an axe and exceptional strength, Cancer uses his swords and speed, Virgo uses earth and tunneling magic, Sagittarius uses a bow and arrows, Aquarius uses water magic, Loke uses Regulus, Gemini uses copying magic, Scorpio use sand and speed magic,and Aries uses wool magic.

Lucy grabs Capricorn's key and puts it back on her key ring. She wouldn't need it right now.

Let's see. Since I can already use a close-quarters form of combat, I'm gonna need something that can either work against weapons or somethings that's long-range. So Virgo and Taurus are out–for now. Loke's Magic is helpful but since he's one of my most powerful spirits I don't want try to use his Star Dress yet. Same goes with Aquarius.

Lucy puts Taurus's, Virgo's, Loke's, and Aquarius's key back on her key ring.

Aries's and Gemini's magic won't work either for this purpose.

Back on the key ring they go.

That just leaves Scorpio, Cancer, and Sagittarius. Scorpio's magic is sand so I might be able to use that for both long-range and short-range attacks. Since Cancer uses scissors and speed I'm guessing that I'll be using a bladed weapon and speed as well. And it's obvious that I'll be able to use a bow and arrows if I wear the Sagittarius Star Dress. Hmm....which to choose.

While Lucy was thinking over her decision, Jellal was instructing Wendy, Meredy, and Carla in her human form hand-to-hand combat. Just the basics of course. While he was teaching them, Jellal couldn't help but glance over at Lucy every once and a while. And of course this didn't go unnoticed by the three girls.

Carla cleared her throat. "What do you think Lucy is doing Jellal?" she asked hiding a small smile.

Jellal looked over to where Lucy was. After Meredy came back with the fish and they had eaten, they had split up a little to practice. Wendy had asked Jellal to teach her how to fight without using magic. Carla wanted to learn so she could be of more use to Wendy and Lucy, and Meredy just wanted to, and he quotes, 'learn more ways to kick ass'.

Anyway, back to the present. From what Jellal can see, Lucy was staring at a few of celestial a keys with a furrowed brow.

Jellal frowned slightly. "I'm not sure but if I had to guess, I'd say that she's trying to chooses which spirit's Star Dress she's going to try out.

Meredy got an excited look in her eyes. "Ooh, I wonder which one she'll choose! All of her spirits are super cool!"

"Albeit a little crazy," Carla muttered under her breath. Wendy heard this and giggled lowly at her exceed partner's statement.

"Hey, it looks like she chose one," Jellal said suddenly. They all looked over at Lucy to see that she only had one key in her hand but they were too far away to see which one it was.

Lucy was looking at the key she chose. After thinking it over thoroughly, she believes that she chose the correct one.

I'm pretty sure this is the right choice. Wearing this spirit's Star Dress will not only give me power but I think if I manipulate the magic correctly, I can use it for both short-range and long-range attacks.

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