Chapter VII

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(Days Before Lucy, Wendy, and Carla Left The Guild):

Levy Mcgarden is many things but a fool isn't one of them. Sure, she can be excitable, eager, and a freak (*coughs* I mean enthusiastic person) about books in general. But for certain, she is no fool. She knew something was bothering Lucy the day she asked her about her book but decided to wait to talk about what it was. But then, she saw how preoccupied she was the next day and decided against going up to her. Besides, she thought Wendy might've helped her out, they do act like sisters after all.

Then, when she saw (from behind one of her many books mind you) that Lucy was on her way to the master's office, she started to become worried. You don't just go into his office for kicks (well, maybe Happy and Natsu but they're the exception). While she was in there Levy saw Wendy and Carla, who she was holding, stop at the base of the stairs. They both had odd looks on their faces, Wendy's was one of concentration and Carla's was one of expectation as they stared at the door to Master's office

What in the—? What are they doing?

After a couple minutes, Levy saw that Wendy's facial expression changed into one of horror and sadness before she ducked under the stairs. A moment later, Lucy came out the Master's office. Levy noticed she was looking around the guild so she hastily made it look like she was invested in what she was reading. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lucy hurry down the stairs and out the guild doors. Taking her attention off her book, Levy looked to where Wendy was coming out from her hiding spot and was shocked to see tears running down her face.

Without further ado, Wendy made her way up the stairs and then her and Carla disappeared inside the Master's office as well.

Levy glanced around to see that no one noticed. Her eyes narrowed as she began to think.

What is going on? The only time I've seen Lu-chan that upset was when she found out about her father's passing, and even then she bounced back quickly. And how is Wendy involved? That look on her face while Lucy was in there......she was concentrating. But on what? Maybe....maybe she was trying to use her Dragon Slayer hearing to hear what was going on inside the office. But if that's the case, what could she have heard that would cause her to be that upset?

At that moment, the door to Master's office opened again and out stepped the young Dragon Slayer and her exceed partner. For the second time that night, Levy was shocked by the expression on the young girl's face. Except this time, it's one of concentration and determination. Compared to what her face looked last time it was surprising at how quickly it changed.

And like Lucy, she quickly went down the stairs and out the guild doors.

Levy frowned.

Ok, no more delaying. As soon as one of them enters the guild tomorrow, I'm going to ask them what the heck is going on.

But she never got the chance.

The next day, neither girl came into the guild. Levy waited and waited but they didn't show up all day. Finally, when the sun was setting and the number of people in the guild were down to single digits, Levy got ready to go home. However, while passing by the bar on her way to the guild doors, she caught snippets of a conversation between Mira and Gray.

"Huh, well that's weird. I'll check up on her tomorrow morning before I come here."

"*Sigh* Thanks Gray."

Hmm....Could they be talking about Lucy? Well, if that's the case, at least others are worried about her.

The next day, Levy got to the guild early and sat at the bar. That way, she'll be able to hear what Gray says to Mira about Lucy. In the meantime, she pulled a book out of her bag and began to read to pass the time. (Did we really expect her to do anything different?)

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