Chapter X

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Meredy quietly left Jellal and Lucy and ran quietly back to the others. When she got there she saw Wendy meditating but no sign of Carla. Wendy's eyes opened when she stepped closer.

"Hi Meredy-chan, did you find them?" she asked her.

Meredy grinned at that. "Yep. And you wouldn't believe what I saw," she gushed.

She explained what she saw when she followed Jellal to the clearing, from the singing to the laughing.

By the end, Wendy had joined Meredy in grinning like The Cheshire Cat. "Aw! They're are sooo sweet together!" she squealed.

(Back at the guild, Mira sneezed.)

Meredy nodded rapidly. "I know right?! And they even have similar magic!"

"A match made in the stars!" Wendy clasped her hands in front of her.

Meredy sighed dramatically. "I can see what's happening."


"And they don't have a clue!"


"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, our squad's now down to two!"


They made eye contact and immediately burst out laughing. (A/N: Sorry I couldn't resist 😂).

"So where's Carla?" Meredy said as she calmed down.

"She wanted to see how long she can use her aerial magic now so she's off flying," Wendy explained.

Meredy 'hummed' in realization. She then got an idea. "Hey Wendy, can you help out with something?" she asked.

Wendy looked over at her. "Sure, what do you need?"

"I want to practice my dodging ability, so do you think you can like, y'know, use some attacks on me?" she asked.

Wendy's eyes widened. "You mean you want me to attack you?" she asked in bewilderment.

Meredy nodded. "Yeah. Compared to you, Lucy, and Jellal I don't really have a lot of magic attacks in my arsenal. I figured that if I manage to not get hit by an enemy's hits, I'll have enough time to retaliate against them," she explained.

Wendy still look unconvinced. "I guess so," she said hesitantly, "but, what if I end up hurting you?"

Meredy shrugged. "I'm a mage, getting hurt is part of the job description," she said matter-of-factly. "Besides, even if I do end up getting hurt, I have the Sky Dragon Slayer standing right in front of me. You'll heal me if it gets too serious."

Wendy hesitated for a second longer, studying Meredy intensely, before sighing in defeat. "Ok," she conceded. "I'll do it."

Meredy grinned in triumph. "Yay!" she shouted out in glee.

She skipped away a couple of yards before turning around and facing Wendy again. "Alright Wendy," she said, "bring it on!"

Wendy took a breath before nodding. "Right!"

She inhaled. "Sky Dragon Roar!"

The hurricane-like blast of wind came hurling at Meredy at high speeds. She twisted out the way just in time. She looked back at Wendy to see what she'd do next but saw she wasn't there.

Huh? Where'd she go?

She got her answer in the form of a shout coming from above her.

Sky Dragon Wing Attack!"

Meredy did a couple of back flips and ended in a handspring that barely managed to get her out the way of Wendy's attack.

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