TWELVE [velvet]

601 26 21

Kyle's heart starts to beat faster when the security guard hands him his silver hair pin and tells him that a "black haired man in a leather jacket" is waiting at the bar. He checks himself in the mirror, brushing his hair with a comb. Kyle checks his outfit. He is wearing a green leotard with black booty shorts and white platform sneakers. He remembers his boss trying to make him wear high heels when he started working for him but was luckily able to convince him that it would be a bad idea and he'd just break his ankles. The truth is that he finds men in high heels a bit awkward but that is most likely a sexist thought so he never told anyone. He takes his highlighter to fresh up the shine on his legs and collar bones and puts on some perfume. Then Kyle can't wait anymore. He leaves the changing room and enters the club. Immediately he feels eyes on his skin and a few heads turn around. Kyle is good at remembering faces so it's easy for him to tell apart new people from regulars. He gives bright smiles to some of them, loving the attention, while walking over to the bar. It doesn't take long until he spots the beautiful stranger he has lost his heart to. Stan is bend forward, ordering something to drink. Kyle feels his heart pull together. It's been too long. Four whole days. He puts a hand on his arm. God, he has great arms. "Hey." Stan turns his head around and a smile appears on his face. "Hey." He loses himself for a second in those stormy blue eyes. "I'm glad you came." "Really?" Kyle nods and lets his hand slowly wander over Stan's arm. "What do you want to do?" Stan raises his eyebrows playfully. "I thought you have a plan. After all you were the one asking me to come back." "I just wanted to make sure I get to see you again." Kyle can feel himself blush. Dammit. "Why don't know...we could just continue where we left off last time and see what happens." His heart starts to beat faster when he remembers the kiss, the way he was barely able to hold himself back, the endearment he felt in Stan's touch as if he is something desirable, something he had been longing for although they had only just met. "There's nothing I'd rather do but...this is my work place. And I can't keep doing things for free. People would notice and I could get into big trouble." Stan's smile fades. He looks hurt. "So you only asked me to come back hoping you'd make money off of me." "Wait, no no no! This is not about money. Stan...I really enjoy your company. Okay, I don't know what I was hoping for when I told you to come back. But it was not with the intention of getting you to spend your money on something. I just didn't like the thought of never seeing you again." Stan looks at his hands, lying on his lap. Is he blushing? When he looks up again he smiles and takes Kyle's hand into his. "And is there really no place here where we won't get...interrupted?" Kyle can feel his skin tingle at the thought of what could happen if he just said yes, if he'd allow life to do something good for him just once instead of pushing it away again. "I know a place. It's not very comfortable but it's the only one here." Stan gets up, still holding his hand, smiling softly. "Lead the way. I mean only if you want to, of course." Kyle can't believe it. Is he really about there...with this man? He takes a deep breath. Mentally, not physically. Stan doesn't need to know how nervous he is right now. He starts to head towards the door he hadn't shown Stan last time. The hallway behind is barely even one. There are only two doors, one ahead, the office, and one to the left. Kyle opens the left one and steps in. "Tadaa." Stan slowly nods, making an aha-so-that-is-what-you-meant-with-not-comfortable face and follows him inside. "And your boss? He's just next door." "He's not here today. His office should be locked and empty. But yeah, this is all I can offer." Stan walks around the storage room. The windows are blocked with dusty curtains. There is some old, broken furniture in the back and mostly cleaning supplies in the front. The naked light bulb shines weakly from the ceiling. "Okay it's not THAT bad. Go grab a blanket or some other piece of cloth, alright? I have an idea." "Okay I'll be right back. Don't do anything stupid." Stan winks and Kyle leaves the room. There are probably no blankets around here but he knows that he has a big velvet cape left that he had needed for a number a few months ago. He grabs the cape and rolls it together. When he is back in the club he tries to get into the other hallway again without being noticed. Nobody needs to know what is about to happen. IF it is even going to happen. When he is back in the storage room Kyle's eyes widen in pleasant surprise. Stan has pulled an old sofa out from the furniture pile. "Look, you can even put the back rest down so it turns into a fully functional bed. Well...semi functional. One leg is missing but I pushed some boxes under it so we don't collapse, break our necks and die. Anyway did you find something?" Kyle locks the door and unrolls the cape. "There weren't any blankets. Surprisingly. But this should do." He hands it to Stan who puts it over the dusty sofa. "What costume is this for? Red Riding Hood?" "You mean as in hiding from the pack of horny wolves? No not exactly." Stan grabs both of his hands, sits down on the makeshift bed and pulls Kyle onto his lap. They just stare into each other's eyes until Stan clears his throat. "I just want you to know that I did not come today with the intention of...doing things with you. I mean it's hard to think about anything else when you're half naked all the time and beautiful as hell." Stan thinks he's beautiful? "I just want to spend time with you. So I don't care what we do. We can just talk and get to know each other better or just stare at each other for the next thirty minutes. As long as I get to see you I'm happy." Kyle puts his arms around Stan's neck and can't help but to start blushing. Again. "I...appreciate that. Really. You're not like the other men I'm sometimes forced to spend my time with. And I want to get to know you as well. But you have to forgive me when I say that right now...all I want is for you to fuck me." He can see Stan flinch at this direct demand and Kyle probably would have worded it differently, less vulgarly, if Stan wasn't so damn hot. His kind manners and sweetness aren't helping it either. They just turn him on even more. "A-are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure," Kyle breathes. "And you're also sure that nobody will try coming in?" He nods. "Nobody is allowed to enter the office and the cleaning ladies aren't here when we are open. Can we please have sex now?" "Y-yes, I just wanted to make sure that-" He interrupts Stan by pulling him closer and starts to kiss him. Stan immediately kisses back and grabs his waist. Fuck, his lips. "You taste like...strawberry gum?" He blushes. "Yeah I'm addicted to that stuff. It's my trademark." Stan grins and reconnects their lips. Kyle can feel his hands gliding down his spine. Sure, he enjoys the whole just making out but if he has to wait any longer he'll go crazy. He's been waiting for four days. No, he's been waiting for 21 years for a man like Stan to come around, one he'd feel safe with, loved, beautiful, desired. "Take off your jacket." Stan does as he is being told to then feel Kyle's hands grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling it over his head. "God you're sexy. Shoes off." "As you wish." Stan grabs his hips. "Did you know that you have the greatest ass and legs I've ever seen? I just want to bury my face between your thighs." Kyle can't hold back a small chuckle. "Haven't heard that one before. Well nobody's stopping you." Stan's warm hands pulling off his shorts make his skin shiver. Then Kyle opens his leotard and pulls it over his head so that all that is left on his body now is his underwear. He gets up and points to the makeshift bed. "Get on there." Stan, who still seems to be overwhelmed with his bossy tone, robs back and in the next moment Kyle is over him opening his pants. "If I had known I'd get my clothes ripped off I'd started going to strip clubs years ago." "This is not happening because I'm a stripper. You seducte me." His pants are off. "Wait I seduced YOU?" "If you keep talking I'll leave and give it to another responsible nice guy." Stan starts to grin and pushes Kyle over so that he is now on top of him. "I don't think so." As they make out, more passionately than anything Kyle has ever experienced before, his hands wander over Stan's body. His chest, stomach, back, ass, face, hair. There is just too much for him to explore. The sensation while Stan kisses his way from his face, over his neck, down his body is indescribable. Kyle can feel himself getting harder and harder with every kiss. "Wait, do you have a condom?" Stan sits up which makes Kyle groan. No, don't stop. He grabs his jacket and checks in one of the pockets before pulling out a packaged condom. Stan puts it aside and then appears back above Kyle. Kyle grabs Stan's trunks and pulls them down. Seeing his dick hard and pumping makes him want to grab it, know what it feels like. While trying to get the condom out with nervous fingers, Stan slowly takes off his underwear. Being fully naked and exposed has always been uncomfortable for him. But right now, with Stan's loving eyes wandering over his body, he is completely fine with it. Once the condom is on, Kyle wraps his legs around Stan's back and his arms around his neck and they start kissing again. The kisses aren't as hectic as earlier, they are long and deep. Kyle can feel Stan's penis pressing against his ass and lets out a soft moan. Stan pulls his face back again, his cheeks are red and his eyes cloudy from the lust behind of them. "Ready?" Kyle nods slowly and smiles. "Yes." With his hands on Kyle's hips and concentrated yet nervous eyes Stan slowly enters him. Kyle can feel his body stiffen but at the same time he is full of relaxation. His skin tingles, shivers, heats up. His eyes fall back. And in that moment, for the first time in his life, everything falls into place. The naked lightbulb, the dusty sofa, the stale smell. He doesn't care. He is complete. And he wouldn't change a single thing.

Last Summer - South Park [Style]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن