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When Zach and I got upstairs, every person was looking at me like I was supposed to change somehow, be more broken. With a bored look on his face, Zach took me to Sage. Sage was still unaware of the things we did in the basement or even if he knew, he did a very good job at hiding his expressions.

" she going to do everything we want?" Sage asked Zach who nodded with a smirk.

With a grin, Sage pointed at the pentagram for me to sit again. I could have fought against him, but Sage shoved me on the pentagram before I could so much say a word.

"Where is Roth? She was supposed to bring you." He asked me to which I shrugged. When Sage turned to Zach for an answer, he made up something like her leaving a while ago to bring more ingredients. Satisfied with the answer, Sage started to chant. But he wasn't summoning Keisha yet. He was going back to the person he really was...a hellhound. He was gnashing his teeth and his whole body lighted with flame.

I didn't remember what happened next. I didn't even know where I found that power to stand up and give Sage a daring smirk.

Surprisingly, Sage didn't retaliate yet. He merely gave me a curious glance to see what I would do. Anger and pain sharpened my focus. I imagined the horror they created, the pain they gave Hannah and the coven. Then I glanced down to see red lights at my fingertips. I might not be a witch but Keisha's words resurfaced on my mind, making sense for the first time. "Ancestral magic isn't just about magic between families. It gives you strength, sometimes even let you channel them. Doesn't matter if you are a witch or not."

Keisha did me a favor when she channeled me. Now I could channel her.

I reached out and with every ounce of strength I possessed, pushed the light out toward the people who were coming close to me. Drops of blood and ash rained to the floor where once the creatures were standing. I was outnumbered but it didn't make me afraid.

Hell, it was a great way to pass time if I ever had one.

Suddenly I saw Sage slam past me, straight into Zach making them both shatter the glass on impact. Zach was too shocked to do something and to my horror, Sage's mouth opened and he took a big bite of Zach's arm. I didn't know who screamed first; Zach or me.

"We killed Roth." Zach let out a chuckle and if possible Sage got even angrier.

"And you couldn't do anything about it." He finished. What the hell was wrong with him? Did he have a death wish?

This time Sage chucked a flesh from Zach and he screamed out in pain. He looked tired, ready to give in and when his eyes found mine, he managed to gasp. "Run!"

Fuck, Zach. Why do you keep doing this to me? I couldn't give him up without a fight.

I looked for the dagger that was thrown away in the chaos and found it on the floor covering it in ash and dust. Taking a deep breath, I picked it up and looked down at the dagger still clutched between my fingers. The dagger in my hand started to hum and that drew the hellhound to look at me. I could see his eyes darkening at the thought of using that on me.

"I'll summon my mother once you let go of him," I yelled in his direction and he growled in response. As much as he wanted to kill Zach, he wanted to kill me more. So it didn't surprise me when he left Zach who was coughing out blood.

"Zach, I need you to go."

"No! I won't-"

"Now, Zach, now! Find that fucker." To Sage, it would look like rambling but to Zach? His face showed immediate recognition and thankfully, he didn't waste his time arguing. Only when he staggered out of the room that I ran the dagger down to my palm to draw out blood. Sage looked confused as he stared at the dagger now mixed with my blood.

"What are you doing? That's not how you summon someone." A voice growled and looking up, it was Sage who was now shifting back between half-human and half-hellhound.

"You had a vampire as a pet but you were too desperate to get out of here that you forgot one important thing." I teased, making him take a step forward.

"And what will that be?" He snarled again.

"The moon goddess blessed the vampires and we are descended from them. We Reapers are practically blessed by her and you took a blood moon for this sacrifice when she can easily be summoned by a vampire. Or a Reaper if the situation calls for." I smiled, knowing that the humming now was almost unbearable.

"So what?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the wound from my palm patched up by itself. Sage horridly looked behind him to see the commotion. It was a cloud of silver and dust when suddenly a woman dropped from there. Whoever raised from the ashes, she was beyond graceful. I noticed the terror in every hellhound's eyes. Sage himself looked ready to run as he stared ahead.

"So who summoned me?″ A melodious voice asked.


So did you see what I just did there? Double update! Summoning the moon goddess wasn't in the plot first but then I thought why not? I also patched up Zach and Lana. And the people rooting for Mikhail don't worry. He'll appear in the next update.

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