Chapter 30: Changes

Depuis le début

Each time I activated my Murasakigan, both eyes turned dark purple. But when I deactivated it, my left eye was lilac and my right eye was normal.

I sighed, handing over the mirror back to Ten Ten. 'Of course. This hasn't happened to our clan for over 30 years and now, it happens to me!'

Ten Ten raised an eyebrow. 'Wait, you mean it's not abnormal?'

'I don't know whether you'd call someone with mismatched eyes normal looking but it's happened before.' I told her, rubbing my eyes. 'Some people, very rarely - are able to deactivate their Murasakigan but their eyes, or sometimes, eye turns to lilac. We're not sure why but it's nothing serious. Just strange.'

She put a hand on her chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

I pulled my ribbon and let my hair tumble down loosely before tying it up again. This time, I let my fringe down so that it covered my lilac eye. I was not happy.

Ten Ten cracked into a small smile. 'You're going to get used to having your hair in your face if you're going to keep that hairstyle.'

I sighed, nodding.

'Well, I have to go. I promised to meet Lee and Neji today.' she said, waving at me. 'Bye!'

I smiled and waved at her, watching her leave before I flopped down on the grass.

And of course, without meaning to, I fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open when I felt the cold air against my skin.

A blue-black sky.

I smacked myself in the forehead. Leave it to me to fall asleep on a training ground every single time. I sat up and let out an annoyed growl pushing my fringe from poking my left eye.

Grumbling angrily, I hurried back home.

'Where have you been?'

'I - uh -' I stuttered, seeing the angry faces of my parents. 'I was training and then accidentally fell asleep -'

'You fell asleep!' Otousan roared. 'What is wrong with you? Can't you do anything right?'

I looked away from them, keeping my breathing steady. Nii-san ... Why'd you have to be on a mission at a time like this?

'Listen to us when we're talking to you!' Okaasan scolded. 'Why can't you just do as you're told, for once? No one has ever given as much trouble as you have. Stop embarrassing our clan! Why can't you be like your -'

I had enough. I turned to them, eyes shooting daggers. 'Be like my brothers? Which one? Or in what way? Oh, you mean you want me to be dead?

'Makoto!' Otousan growled, his tone telling me that I should shut my trap right there. I, myself knew I shouldn't have said that but I couldn't help it.

'If you're so embarrassed of me being in this damn clan, then fine! I'm leaving!' I snapped. I pushed past them and pulled the door open before running out of the house, ignoring their calls.

Hot tears spilled from my eyes, causing my vision to go foggy, not knowing where I was going.

I wasn't sure how I got here, but I found myself at training ground 12. It seemed like all roads led me here.

I rested my back against against a tree, allowing myself to cry.

I Activated my Murasakigan, I entertained myself by focusing on a rock and moving my hand in all sorts of directions, the rock following.

Hello, Heartache ~Uchiha Sasuke Love story~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant