=6= i Am nOt dRuNk

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"Beloved Kirsten, where have you been?" Kenzie asked in an almost scolding manner as she opened the door. The time was 11:58 PM, two minutes until midnight. Kirsten was at the door, her eyes struggling to keep open. 

Jianna popped up behind Kenzie and sniffed. She retched, "Jeff, you reek of alcohol! Where have you been?!"

Kirsten giggled, her mind obviously somewhere else. "I only had a few-" hic

"Oh my gosh, you're actually drunk," Ada remarked. She quickly grabbed Kirsten's arm and brought her to the couch. Kirsten crashed on the cushions and laughed. "You guys sound drunk."

"This is hilarious," Jianna muttered. Kenzie gestured her to get a glass of water for her.

Kirsten threw the pillow to the ground and pouted. "Waiter, I'm thirsty!!"

Ada slapped her arm. "Shut up, you're at home. How many did you have?" She picked up the cushion and tossed it back on the couch, beside Kirsten. Kirsten staggered back and screamed. 

"Relax, it's a pillow!" Ada said. Kirsten nodded and lied back down, her phone falling off her hand and landing on the carpet, beside the coffee table.

"I thought she went to the concert," Jianna said, gently putting a glass of water on the table and walking away like Kirsten was some wild animal sleeping on their couch.

"The concert ended at nine. She and James probably had dinner afterward," Kenzie assumed. 

"What's going on?" Cassie's voice asked from the staircase. She had just woken up with Alexa coming right behind her. They both yawned and followed the group. Alexa groggily chuckled. "Is Kirsten drunk?"

"i Am nOt dRuNk!" Kirsten exclaimed, her eyes wide open then closing back. 

"If you're not drunk," Jianna began. "Then tell the time."

Kirsten tiredly turned her head to the wall beside the TV, her eyes staring back at the clock. Then she shouted, "I AM NOT DRUNK!"

Everyone laughed, Ada fell to the ground, trying to hold her waist. Kirsten raised an eyebrow, confused at why everyone was laughing so hard. 

"Oh my gosh," Cassie said, trying to catch her breath. She pulled out her phone and began recording a video. "I need to show this to her tomorrow morning."

"Why are you guys laughing?!" Kirsten asked, her voice sharp and demanding among the laughter in the room. "YOU TOLD ME TO TELL THE TIME."

Jianna rolled her eyes and took the glass of water. "Honestly, I thought I would be the first one to come home drunk. Guess you beat me."

"You don't even drink!" Kirsten shouted, nearly knocking off the glass in Jianna's hand.

"Yes, I do," Jianna confirmed. "When I'm stressed."

"Tsk," Ada snickered. "Lemonade is not an alcoholic drink."

Everyone laughed again. Jianna waved them off. "I tried a cocktail! Geez."

"Won't she get a hungover tomorrow when she wakes up?" Alexa asked, taking the now empty glass of water from Kirsten and returning it to the sink.

"Depends on how much she drank," Kenzie replied. She took a glance at Kirsten and nodded. "Most probably a lot."

"Then let's tuck her into bed and show her the video," Ada said, picking up Kirsten swiftly and carrying her up the staircase. 

"But you didn't record the part where she shouted at the clock," Alexa said. Cassie frowned, putting down her phone.

"Psst," Jianna whispered. She pointed at the table. Her phone leaned on to a glass, the camera pointing at them. "I got it all."

"Good morning, Jeff," Alexa greeted, smiling wide at the foot of Kirsten's bed.

As expected, Kirsten had a headache. It was almost unbearable. She groaned. "Agh, my head hurts. What time is it?"

"It's eight in the morning," Cassie replied, entering the room with a glass of water and a small pill on her hand. "Drink this and your headache will hopefully fade away."

Kirsten reluctantly took the pill and drank it. She leaned back on to her pillow and sighed. "I don't remember much about yesterday. I only remember the actual concert and James inviting me to eat dinner at this restaurant we found."

"James just called this morning and I apologized for not being able to stop you from drinking," Cassie said. "He sounds like a really sweet guy. Sana ol."

Kirsten hissed. "Back off, he's mine."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Just complimenting him, sheesh. By the way, Billy has something for you."

Right on time, Jianna barged in the room, her phone in her hands. 

"Guess who was so drunk yesterday that I just had to record the whole thing?" Jianna brightly exclaimed.

Kirsten almost felt the pill coming back up her throat.

"Oh no,"

lab u jeff :))

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