Chapter 35: Dinner

Start from the beginning

"Dinners ready"she announced before walking out.

"Shall we continue in the dining room "Mom inquired with a smile I've never seen before.

Everyone started making their way to the other room,I too was about to walk to the dining hall but Hunter wouldn't allow,he kept a firm grip on my arm.

"Hunter let go" I forced a little chuckle.

"I'm your boyfriend ain't I,if I feel like touching you I can"he stated then turned me around so my back was facing him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and He rested his chin on my head,he let out a sigh of relief.

"Hunter are you alright"I asked, noticing he was acting more werid than normal.

"What happened on campus today"he asked making all color drain from my face.

I stood there unable to move or do anything. My legs felt weak,If he were to let go I would have fallen.

"Oh no,he knows"

"No Amanda he wouldn't be treating you with so much love if he did. Calm down"

"What do you mean"I managed to get out.

"My driver said you looked really Disturbed and upset when he picked you up,did something happen"he asked.

I sallowed hard and shook my head.

"Nothing happened"I lied making his grip tighten.

"You're lying"he blurted out.

"Hunter actually bra-" ok I really wanted to tell him but blue appeared and interrupted.

"Wow, having a romantic moment. Everyone is waiting"she stated.

I got out of Hunter's hold and rushed to the other room. He followed suit. He pulled out a chair for me before he sat right next to me.

Everything was quite for a while before dad broke the silence and began interrogating Hunter and Zack.

"I'm quite surprised how such young men as yourselves mare such a name"dad chuckled.

"It was all through hard work"Hunter remarked.

"Do you two have any surviving family"dad asked.

Hunter never liked talking about his mother or father for that matter. I placed my hand on his lap and he turned to me before answering.

"No, I'm an orphan"Hunter answered.

" So am I. We only have each other in this world"Zack spoke.

"Listen since childhood I've raised my daughters well. I hope you are capable of spoiling her with everything she might need"Mom blurted out.

"Mom, he's my boyfriend not an ATM"I defended.

"Amanda,I just wanted to make sure he's able to provide you a comfortable life" Mom said.

"You don't have to worry, I'll make sure she doesn't lack anything. Her future is secure"he assured.

"You're very confident, you sound like you are going to marry her"Dad teased.

"I've loved your daughter for a while now and I'm sure I want no one else as my bride"Hunter spoke,which made me blush.

"Marriage? Hunter I hope you are serious. Considering you're way older than my daughter,I expect you not to joke about this"Mom intervened.

"Mom-" Hunter cut me off.

"The age Gap doesn't matter, after all age is just a number"he said,in a rather dark way.

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