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"Put your feet somewhere else Jungwoo!"

"No, you put them somewhere."

"Don't kick me, I want to sleep!"

"For God's sake, why is someone biting my ear?"

"I'm hungry."

"When will we be there?"

"Can I fart?"

"I need to go to the toilet."

"Will wi-fi be there?"

"Can you all be quiet?!" The manager sitting in front of the minibus, on which they were traveling had already lost all his nerves. It was like going on a day trip with a kindergarten. Except they didn't want to hold hands in pairs and sit side by side for five hours straight.

Instead, they argued for five hours who would have two seats for himself, about a pack of chips, and last but not least, who would be carrying all the luggage after they will arrive at the final destination of their trip.

But they all fell silent when they heard the shouting of a nervous manager rubbing his temples. Jungwoo and WinWin stopped fighting, Johnny stopped bothering with a need of the toilet, and even the rest stopped complaining about anything that was bothering them.

They knew very well that their manager could kill them if they would continue this tantrum, but none of them was having the journey in the small space. Especially the tallest members of the group.

"How the hell should I put my legs here?" Jaehyun couldn't resist grunting first. He didn't know how to sit properly. His butt hurt for the last two hours. There were eleven of them, plus other staff members followed them in the car. Jaehyun, with his 180 cm, was not able to sit down so that his knees wouldn't bend into the seat in front of him.

Before he could do anything or hear the answer from someone who was going to advise him, Taeyong put his feet on his own lap and continued the conversation with Doyoung as if it were a normal thing. Jaehyun blushed again. Not that it wasn't unusual in recent days. His cheeks were red 24/7. More precisely since that evening, in the practice room, just two of them knew about.

Do you ask what actually happened after that kiss?

Actually, neither of them is sure. There was no embarrassing silence, nor did one simply run away, as is the case in all those dozen high school love movies. It was neither of these things and yet neither of them knew how to behave in the presence of each other. And so they acted as if nothing had happened, except that they both knew very well what had happened, and neither of them regretted it.

Their relationship has not changed. Only their interactions were suddenly sweeter, happier and more emotional than before. Sounds Like Some Annoyingly Sweet Love Story, Right?

But Jaehyun was not the one who was about to take the same step as Taeyong did, in the foreseeable future. He had been miserable in expressing his feelings since time immemorial. Even if he had the best opportunity to express it, he would not be able to take advantage of it. All he could do was accept Taeyong's actions with red cheeks. So now they were actually stuck at one point in their relationship. Because of Jaehyun.

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