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"Please, sir. There is really nobody else?" Jaehyun was sitting with a desperate face in the chairman's office, trying to persuade him about the change of the manager. 

"No Jaehyun, there is not. Soyeon is a clever, talented, young girl. Her father is a great man and I believe, she will do even better in her job than him. You will surely become friends. Just give it a few days." Chairman said and looked at one of the papers, on his desk. He wasn't really paying attention to the boy in front of him. He had already a lot of work to do even without Jaehyun's wish.

"But I really don't think I will bear her..."

"Jaehyun.." Lee Soo Man took off his glasses and shooked his head. "Your current manager is unable to be here for a few weeks, because of health problems. Soyeon is a great student and I believe, that this job will help her with founding some stable job in the future."

"You should now focus on your career and fans. If you excuse me, I will have a meeting with the management and you should go back to your schedule."

Jaehyun couldn't do anything, but to leave the office with disappointment, anger, and fear in once. He knew he will have to face Soyeon every single day until their manager will come back. And that fact was making him want to go to the hospital again, far away from the corridors of this company. 

"Hey... Jaehyun." The young boy felt a grip on his hand.

Taeyong was waiting for him in front of the office. It was his idea to go to talk to Lee Soo Man. He hoped Jaehyun will maybe really convince him, that Soyeon is not the right person to be their manager. 

"It didn't work." Younger sighed and looked around, afraid of Soyeon's presence. 

"Geez..." Taeyong slightly squeezed Jaehyun's hand and pulled him closer. He felt, that Jaehyun had miserable mood after this. Soyeon made even his days worse than ever with her presence. She was always behind Jaehyun's back and it was making him more than angry. 

It wasn't even jealousy. He knew Jaehyun would never have something with her after what happened in the past, but still, his blood pressure was increasing rapidly, when he saw her near his Jaehyun. 

"Let's go to the cinema. The new Spiderman came out. I want to spend some time alone with you. I feel like we don't have time for each other, because of the schedules lately." He slowly pulled Jaehyun closer and pecked his lips, which made younger finally think about something else. 

"That sounds good." He nodded and smiled a bit.

"Let's go then!" Taeyong chuckled mischievously and started to run with Jaehyun out of the company building, without worrying about totally anything. He didn't even bother to tell someone, they are going out. He just did it and took Jaehyun with him. 


Jaehyun was the only one, who wasn't paying attention to the movie playing on the big screen. Not that he wasn't a fan of Marvel movies. He loved them, but Taeyong was something more admirable. He was watching him instead of super hot spiderman. 

He was so close to him. He could see every inch and detail of his face. He smelled his perfume again. It was like living in a dream again. In moments like these, Jaehyun was still thinking he will wake up in any second in his bed, in his apartment and back in his old life.

But it wasn't happening and it was making Jaehyun believe more and more, that this is all reality and the person he loved for years, love him back.

The younger slowly pecked Taeyong's jawline, snuggled even more to him and took a handful of popcorn.

"Sweetie pie, we should watch the movie," Taeyong whispered, even though they were sitting at the very back of the cinema hall, away from other visitors. But Jaehyun was needy for attention. He felt the urge to touch Taeyong totally everywhere. 

He took the popcorn and put it on the ground, shifting himself on older's lap, finding a comfortable position, before attacking his lips. Not that Taeyong was protesting. How could he, right? He wasn't going to stop his boyfriend from making out with him in cinema. Just that sentence sounded hot. 

Jaehyun traveled with his hands all over Taeyong's chest, making the older shiver under his touch. He rested his hands around older's neck, deepening the kiss even more. For a while, he was the one taking over the make-out session, before Taeyong woke up from the shock of Jaehyun's sudden move. 

He gripped younger's hips and pulled him harshly closer to him if that was still possible. He didn't even bother to ask Jaehyun for permission, when his tongue entered younger's mouth, exploring every inch of it.

Their kissing became messy, passionate and needy. 

Do you ask how long, they were making out like that?

Well. The cleaning women with broom and trash can was the one, who interrupted their... how to call it? Almost making babies thing.

Both of them bit embarrassed left the cinema to a busy and noisy street in Seoul. Taeyong immediately held Jaehyun's hand, making sure, younger is close to him and he won't get lost in crowds of people. 

"Why we don't do that every day. I want this as a part of my daily routine." Taeyong chuckled and joined a group of people, which was going to the bus stop. It was already dark outside and coming back to the company would be total nonsense. The only thing Taeyong wanted now was a hot long shower (with Jaehyun), dinner (with Jaehyun) and then go to bed (with Jaehyun..).

"Let's go, home baby."


Soyeon was looking at the picture she took in those few days. She was totally happy with her work. He got all the evidence she needed to make the young sweet couple suffer once again if she won't get what she wants. Or to be more specific - who she wants. 

"Taeyong.. Don't mess with me. There is no happy ending for you and Jaehyun together."

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