Chapter 22 - Or Worse

Start from the beginning

Only had enough time to glance at her answer then throw the phone back in my pocket. Before Chris thrust his hand in mine and we hugged.

Fin: Ask Mel. I'm sure her answer will be the same as mine  😏


When I turned to start waving at the screaming crowd, the beaming smile and laughter coming out of my throat isn't forced. My heart isn't pounding away like a death metal drummer. And I don't feel like I'm gonna throw up on the first few rows of fans.

Well, old son. You don't need to worry about keeping your public mask in place this time to get through it. In fact? You can probably throw the fucking thing away I reckon!

Once the roar of welcome settled, I flopped down in the vacant seat next to Mel. Chris doesn't waste any time cutting to the chase.

"Norman, I see you've been uh....hitting the makeup counters at Sak's again? Personally, I'm a plum-matte myself. But you've got some very nice gloss action going on there."

"So tell me....are you a Maybelline or a Revlon?"


Thought the guy is off his tree until Mel leaned over and handed me a tissue. Miming at me to wipe my mouth while she tried to smother the huge smirk on hers.

Oh. Well played, my little divil....well played indeed  💋

"Actually, it's a new Australian brand called 'Skip'.  And this shade is called, ummmm....'Dag'.  A Reedus exclusive and you won't find it on the shelves. For my lips only."

"Well, I'm sure your fans here tonight will be disappointed you won't share. Now, before we chat about what Daryl's been up to so far this season? There's been some talk on the red carpet outside. That another Reedus exclusive is about to be revealed."

"Care to give us a sneak preview, Norman?"

There are quite a few whoops of anticipation. Not too sure what kind of reveal the crowd is expecting?

Felt Mel's hand on my back giving me a rub of encouragement. When I glanced over at her, she just smiled and nodded.

My eyes searched the audience. Quickly locate Fin, who's sitting about thirty feet away.

"Got your back, Daggy"  She mouthed.

Funnily enough, that answers the very same question she asked a couple of months ago. The day we went on our first ride together.

Why me?

Guess I knew it even then....that she always will. Have my back that is.

"Yeah, Ok. This afternoon I popped the big question to my little divil. And well, fuck me....she said yes. Go figure, huh?"

Ummmm....think I just bought the house down?


Ming: DAD YOU WERE AWESOME! Mom and Paul said WTFG! Oh and to give Fin a big kiss from all of us and to tell her that she looks gorgeous and....and....

Me: Thanks kiddo. You got it right on the nose. I'm marrying my best friend. You still Ok with all this, pal?

Ming: Feck yeah. See you next weekend. Love you, Fin heaps too.

Me: Back atcha Mingo, night little man.

Finished texting and then returned to our table.

My head swooped down and I kissed the back of Skip's neck, before planting my butt beside her. Draped an arm comfortably around her shoulders.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now