If you want to know when's my 22nd birthday, it's on June 14th which is around summer time. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but whatever, it's Mid-March and I got a couple of months to figure out. I turned my car on, put my seatbelt on and drove off with no music playing  since its still kind of early and I don't want to pissed the neighbors off with the loud music early in the morning.


After school let out for today, I'm about to stop by Popeyes before I go to work since it's down the street from my job. My neighbor Gina is out of town for her business trip so I got to find somebody else to watch Imani while I'm at school and work. I was going to get Teresa to baby sit Imani at first but Dawn said she'll watch her since her and her boyfriend don't have to work today.

So I told them everything they need to do before I give Imani an hug and an kiss. After I stopped by the red lights, I called Dawn to make sure that Imani is okay.

Phone Convo
Dawn🍑🍨🍬: Hello!
Ariana🇵🇷🇵🇷🎆: Hey Dawn, how is Imani doing?
Dawn🍑🍬🍬: She doing okay, she just eating her lunch now.
Ariana🇵🇷🇵🇷🎆: Really, what's she eating.
Dawn🍑🍬🍬: She eating Mac and cheese with hot dogs.
Ariana🇵🇷🇵🇷🎆: Okay, what y'all plans on doing after she eat lunch because she usually takes an nap.
Dawn🍑🍬🍬: We plans on taking her to the park just to play with her.
Ariana🇵🇷🇵🇷🎆: Okay, I'm glad she doing okay, tell her I say her and I'll see her when I picked her up.
Dawn🍑🍬🍬: What's time you gets off of work again?
Ariana🇵🇷🇵🇷🎆: Around 4 PM.
Dawn🍑🍬🍬: Alright, I'll see you when you picked her up.
Phone Convo over

After I got off of the phone with Dawn which is I put her on speaker so I won't cause no care accident, I pulled up to McDonalds which is down the street from my job to get my lunch since I ain't ate anything but cereals bar this morning. I need to go to grocery shopping but that's has to wait until this weekend since I don't have much to do.


After the normal day of work, I got off of work at the same time I normally gets off since I stopped by the gas station on my way home from work so I'll have enough gas to work for the next couple of days.

Not only that, I still got the date with Chris on Friday but I don't know what time he plans on to get me nor what movies he wants to see. As long it's not some boring romance movies that caused me to go to sleep. Now, I'm at home seasoning the boneless chicken because I'm making chicken quesadilla for dinner tonight.

While I'm seasoning the boneless chicken breast with the taco seasoning, my phone starts ringing and it's was Chris calling me. My hands is kind of dirty so I decided to put him on the speaker so I won't burn the chicken.

Phone Convo
Gabby🔥🔥🔥🌊: Hello!
Chris: What's up Gabby, what are you doing?
Gabby🔥🔥🔥🌊: Not much, I'm cooking dinner for tonight, so what are you doing?
Chris: I'm on break right now.
Gabby🔥🔥🔥🌊: Well good, what's time are you planing on picking me up on Friday?
Chris: Around 6 PM.
Gabby🔥🔥🔥🌊: Alright, that'll do.
Chris: Alright Gabby, I got to get going, I'm about get back to work.
Gabby🔥🔥🔥🌊: Alright, I'll talk to you later!
Phone Convo over

After I got off of the phone with Chris, I put the onions red and green pepper in the pan start cooking them before I cooked the tortillas. I have been making quesadillas is very easy to make since my mom used to make us one all the time for lunch when I was younger. Yes, my parents still cooks but we got to learn how to cook because like my mom always told me, men going to want a woman who willing to cook for them.

I don't always agree with her about everything when it's comes to keeping a man because men's cook too whether it's for themselves, friends, family, girlfriends or wife. I don't know Chris can cook or not but I'll asked him sometimes this week. When I'm done with the chicken quesadilla, I put them on the plates, grabs the can of soda and went to the living room as the TV on WXYZ 7 which is the evening news is on.

I continue flipping though the channel until I gets to TV One which is the reruns of Good Times is on. I'm about to go ahead and enjoy the evening with the quesadillas and Faygo orange soda.


I'm at home playing the video game since I just got off of work about a couple of hours ago because I was helping my uncle closed the shop by sweeping the floor. I was going to called Gabby a little bit longer but I can't because I was about to get ready to cut some high school kid's hair.

While I'm playing the video games, my phone starting to vibrate and it's was Anthony.

Phone Convo
Chris: Hello
Anthony: What's up man, what are you doing?
Chris: Not much, what about you?
Anthony: Just smoking some weed, so what's up with you and that Gabby chick.
Chris: Me and Gabby just started talking since Shay's birthday party.
Anthony: Really?
Chris: Yeah, I'm taking her to the movies on Friday night.
Anthony: Do she works because you know how them puta (whores) around here are, they too damn lazy to get an job.
Chris: I know but Gabby seems to got something to offer other than sex.
Anthony: Alright, I'm just calling you and check on you, good luck with the Gabby chick who got something to offer than that 19 years old gatito (kitty cat).
Chris: LOL, man you are stupid, I'll talk to you and your brother later.
Phone Convo over

After I got off of the phone with Anthony, I continue playing the video games thinking about Gabby. So what she a bit younger than me, I'm pretty sure she got something to over other than the wet cats because most of them females in Detroit is too damn lazy to do anything for their man.

I mean come on, all they does is sit on their ass and watch talk shows all day which is pathetic. I'm not going to lie, I understand some females can't cook but goddamn, they need to at least keep the house clean, pays some bills and go grocery shopping. More Anthony and An'Tony told me about them whores, more I'm glad I stopped screwing around with Tania.

I continue playing the video games until I got up, turn the Xbox One system off, turn the TV off, turn the lights off and went to bed since it's almost 2 AM.

Gabby 🔥🔥🔥🌊Where stories live. Discover now