Chapter Thirty-Six

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Yes...yes! It was definitely Kara's voice. Her soft, tender voice. The one that was always comforting whenever you listened. We could not see her. Instead, we saw us. Me and Wendy.

The camera showed us a street and sidewalks and houses on either side of that street. It zoomed in on the left side. Someone was standing on the sidewalk, and that someone was Wendy.

She was reading a book with a red cover, and her mouth was moving. Though, we could not hear the words.

"This is Wendy," Kara spoke. "She is the first friend that I made here in Forlot. We have a ton in common. She loves fictional things, especially aliens. As I am recording this, Wendy is in the middle of reading a fictional book called 'Steve Galaxy.' It is based on a show that is enjoyable despite its sinful flaws."

The camera moved to the right side, and we saw another person. Another girl.

It was me.

Like Wendy, I was standing on the sidewalk and had myself immersed in a book. It had a blue cover.

"And this is Tris," Kara continued. "Her real name is Trisha, but she prefers to be called Tris. She adores real things. Facts. As I am recording her, she is reading a real world book It does not matter what it is called. But what amazes me is how much information she has stored inside that human brain of hers."

"Ha!" I said. "Kara stated that I am amazing."

"Kara and I had so much in common," Wendy answered. "Besides, she stated clearly that I am her first friend."

The camera shifted - and soon landed on Kara. She was smiling, and her arms were outstretched because she was holding the camera.

"Take good care of them, Wendow and Triso. I will not be around for long. I...I have another duty to pursue. But I promise, I promise with all my heart, that I will return as soon as I can. This will be the last that you see of me. But it is not forever."

The screen became white and gray once again, and something else came on.

The camera was showing a small room that was made of wood and a metal chair. The camera shifted a little before Kara appeared.

She plopped herself in the chair and leaned forward. She fiddled with her thumbs as she took a deep breath and let it out.

"It is time...that I told you, Wendow and Triso...what you really are. Going into your new lives, you have the assumption that you are aliens. That...that is not the case. Well, you are aliens, but...haha! How am I supposed to say the truth when it is hard to explain?"

Kara put on a smile and giggled.

"Hehe. It is going to sound ridiculous...but it is the truth...and you need to know." She forced herself to stop smiling and got back to seriousness. "You remember Wendy and Tris...right? If not, I will briefly tell you."

She cleared her throat and continued.

"Wendy and Tris are the most kindest friends that I have ever had. They have no friends of their own, so when I am gone, you need to be with them. Remind them of me. Do not allow them to fight over me because I care for them equally. Anyway, the reason that I am bringing them up is because you are a part of them."

A part of us? How?

"I wanted you two to be different. I did not want you to be just aliens. You...had to be something more. Hybrids. Humans and aliens. Luckily, I came up with the perfect plan. I would take some of my DNA, 'cause I am an alien..."


"...and some of Wendy's and Tris' DNAs..."


"...and implant them in you in order to create you. Wendow, you have my DNA and Wendy's DNA. Triso, you have my DNA and Tris' DNA. That is why I named you after my best friends. And please. Do not tell them about this. What I did. You can tell them that you are aliens - they will probably not believe you - but do not say that I 'stole' some of their DNA. Not until Cassidy tells you otherwise."

Cassidy? I looked at Cassidy.

"Do you not remember Cassidy? She is your aunt. My older sister."

Sister? Oh my gosh! So many plot twists!

"She will keep an eye on you and Wendy and Tris. She will disguise herself as a lawyer and check on you to see how you are doing." A tear streamed down her cheek. "I love you so much. I, your mother, will love you no matter what."

The screen went back to gray and white, and Cassidy pushed a button on the keyboard, ejecting the tape.

"That is it," Cassidy announced. She pulled out the tape and handed it back to Wendy. "I suppose that you have questions."

I slowly nodded and said, "Kara is Wendow and Triso's mother?!"

"Yep. You like that plot twist?"

"No! We do not."

"It is not a big deal, Tris. It is what Kara wanted. She desired children."

"Well...if she wanted children...why did she take herself in the end?" Wendy asked.

Cassidy sighed heavily. "Pompus was part of it. She wanted children. He did not. And since that he was forcing her to marry him, he made sure that she was unable to have children."

She sniffed and wiped the bottoms of her eyes with her fingers.

"But young and bright sister...she eventually found a way to outsmart him. It was a step in the right direction. She needed freedom. She did not want to be a slave anymore. And you two and her daughters helped her so much. Never have I met such kind and thoughtful humans. And we thought that humans were evil."

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