Chapter Thirty

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There was the spaceship. Much bigger and more intimating than the one that we encountered before.

The bottom of it was dark blue, and like Triso stated, it was hovering over Sabrina's backyard. Why was it here? What did the people operating the ship want?

Then it hit me. Wendow and Triso.

No. No, no, no!

I banged my fists against one of the windows and screamed the girls' names, and Wendy did the same. We both hoped that either of them would hear us. Alas, they did not.

There was a huge window that was tinted, just like the last ship, and it slowly flipped back, revealing two people. And yes, they were aliens.

One was tall and thin. The other was short and chubby. The tall one was named 3-17, and the short one was named C-Teen.

Yes. 3-17 and C-Teen. Do not ask me why! Ask our writer! She came up with those at the last minute!

With the exceptions of their heights and weights, the new aliens were exactly the same. Their skin was purple with dark purple spots, and they had what reminded me of antennas sticking out from the sides of their heads. They had long, purple tails and were wearing red clothing and white gloves. And whenever they blinked their creepy, yellow eyes, they did it vertically instead of horizontally like we humans do.

"Greetings, humans," C-Teen greeted. His large nose jiggled as he talked. "Normally, I would introduce myself and whoever is with me, but we will not be here for long. Nope. The only reason that we have the 'pleasure' of visiting your planet is because two of our species left our planet without our consent."

3-17 coughed loudly so that everyone would now listen to what he had to say.

"Honestly, it is an embarrassment to come to your puny planet to meet your puny species," 3-17 said. "I mean, I would be ashamed if my own species did not care about the environment and put money above those who cannot even afford a cent. Seriously. What is wrong with you, humans? You promote sin. You all are selfish."

"No wonder our writer lost her faith in humanity," C-Teen confessed. "Anyway, back to what we want."

Sabrina ran up to the spaceship until she was two inches from it. "Greetings, fellow aliens," she greeted back. "Oh my gosh. It is such an honor for me and my guests to be the very first humans to see aliens in real life!" She jumped up and down and squealed. "I am going to be famous!"

3-17 put his hand on top of a lever. "Famous, you say? You poor human. Do you not know that being famous comes with a price?"

C-Teen scanned the earthly grounds. My guess was that he was searching for Triso and Wendow. Luckily, he did not see them because he made this announcement:

"Z-233! Z-234! If you know what is good for you, you will reveal yourselves and surrender to us. Please. You need to come home. Pompus misses you."

Pompus. That was the guy whom I accidentally talked on the phone with. What did he want with Wendow and Triso?

"We know that you two are here," C-Teen continued. "Coming and staying on this miserable planet are the worst mistakes that you have ever done."

He waited for anyone, I am assuming either of the girls, to say or do something. Alas, there was only silence, and he sighed.

"Well then. If you care so much about these selfish humans, we will take them with us."

3-17 pulled back the lever and a beam of bright, white light shot out from the ship and hit Sabrina.

Wendy and I became disgusted by the sight as Sabrina screamed in agony. I know that Sabrina is rich and all, but she is not that bad of a kid. She did not deserve this.

Why could the beam have not hit Heather and Mackenzie?

Actually, my wish was granted.

The beam faded, and Sabrina fell on her stomach and onto the grass. She seemed to be unconscious.

Was she okay? What did they do to her?

"Hey!" Heather shouted. She pointed an accusing finger at the aliens on the spaceship. "Who do you think that you are?!"

Neither of the boy aliens answered Heather's question...directly...and another beam of light shot out and hit both her and Mackenzie. Just like Sabrina, they cried and soon collapsed as soon as the beam faded.

It was then that the rest of the guests decided that it was the perfect time to panic and retreat. And unfortunately for them, none of them escaped. Each and every one of them was zapped by white beams and became unconscious.

As for me and Wendy, we were lucky. They did not think to check that two humans, the very humans that befriended Wendow and Triso, were hiding in the basement.

Maybe...maybe that is why Wendow and Triso purposely locked us in the basement. To protect us.

Awe! So sweet!

"Tris!" Wendy proclaimed. "Our friends are being kidnapped! They are getting kidnapped!"

I pressed my face against the glass of the window - and my heart sunk.

Our alien friends were unconscious and trapped in a net. They were on the spaceship, and the window of the ship slowly flipped over them and the other two aliens.

The ship was taking off.

I eyed the Ferris wheel - and got the craziest idea.

I picked up an old television that was in the basement and heaved it into one of the windows. The glass shattered.

"Whoa. Hey!" Wendy said.

I scrambled through the broken window and to the outside world. I grabbed ahold of Wendy's wrist and helped her out, and we got on our feet and ran as fast as we could.

Next stop: the Ferris wheel.

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